To get it, you have to protect the ranch from aliens on Day 1, and then protect Cremia’s cart from the Gorman brothers on Day 2. Shoot the jar between them with an arrow to find the eighth Stray Fairy. This page was last edited on 20 July 2020, at 17:57. In Great Bay Temple I just got the boss key but cannot find the boss room. Climb up onto the very edge of it and use the Hookshot on the chest, which you can open to find the eleventh Stray Fairy. imstuck - 2 years ago. Stock up on arrows and magic, then head through the door. Once all of them are aflame, a large chest will appear containing the first Stray Fairy. Is there something wrong with my game? They won’t actually hurt you, but they’ll prevent you from going through. You’ll see water is flowing onto the waterwheel and making it spin. They will then bounce around, at which point you can kill them with your sword. 9.3 Red SwitchesProgress at this pointTotal LifeHeart Pieces 31/52Masks 14/24Bottles (N64) 5/6Bottles (3DS) 5/7Stray Fairies 8/15New in this section Run along the green pipe and climb up at the end (with the added height of the Zora Mask) and run off to the right. Then, you will receive Romani’s Mask. You can get them off by hitting them with just about anything, but Deku Nuts, Fire Arrows or Bombs work the best. Wait for the rising platform to sink down into the water and hop onto it. The Great Bay Temple is the third dungeon in the Nintendo 64 video game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. It was approached by a 16-metre-wide (150-ft) causeway leading from a valley temple which no longer exists. If you look to the south end of the room, there’s an enclosed area that you can reach by climbing on top of the GREEN pipes. There are additional arrows in the jars on the platform and magic in the jars underwater in each corner of the room, should you need to restock. I pulled the switch, and nothing happened. Accepted Answer. In order to enter this region, Link must jump over a fence blocking his path with the help of his horse, Epona. Moderated by: fullgrowngaming fullgrowngaming, VPP VPP, Kaztalek Kaztalek, G i g o p l e r G i g o p l e r, Z e e p o Z e e p o, Imbued Imbued, MutantAura MutantAura, SeedBorn SeedBorn, dopeZera dopeZera. You’ll then witness another short scene with the next guardian. As you’ll notice, you can only explore a few areas in here at the moment. Use your Hookshot to reach the chest (and open it if you haven’t already). Find the RED pipe and climb on top of it out of the water. 9.4 Going the Other Way (Green)Progress at this pointTotal LifeHeart Pieces 31/52Masks 14/24Bottles (N64) 5/6Bottles (3DS) 5/7Stray Fairies 8/15New in this section This room contains a Green Chu and a Yellow Chu, which drops arrows when defeated. Just swerve to avoid them, or slash them with your sword like tennis to send them flying. The boss of the dungeon is the giant fish Gyorg. Hop in the water and swim through the GREEN path, following the RED pipes into the next area and out the door. So now water is flowing through both the YELLOW and RED pipes. Break the jars to recover arrows and magic, then open the chest to get a Small Key. Shoot the Real Bombchu with an arrow (or your Double Cutters) and follow the pipe to the locked door. Once Link recovers the Zora Eggs laid by Lulu and takes them to the Marine Research Laboratory, Link learns the "New Wave Bossa Nova", a melody he must play while in Zora form to summon a Giant Turtlejust outside the back entrance of Zora Hall so that the Turtle can take him to the T… Use it to get on top of the red platform, then hold R to defend, waiting for the Real Bombchu to bump against your Shield. Great Bay Temple is the third dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. You’re going to need to fix that! The challenge in the Great Bay Temple is that it is designed around a series of water pumps attached to underwater propellers, which change the direction and flow of the water into tunnels leading to different areas of the dungeon—so as tempting as it is to zip around in your Zora costume, you have to be careful not to get sucked into the wrong tunnel. Go to list of all games. Do I have to redo all of the things you do before the temple with the zora eggs and what not, or is there a way to just go back to the temple? Gather any goodies you may need for the battle from the jars under the water. When it is near the surface, or when it jumps partially out of the water, use your Bow and shoot an arrow out at Gyorg. Nasty little things. Your first task is to get to the Bay. This will allow the water to continue flowing through this particular YELLOW pipe and create a “water platform” of sorts that you will need to use in just a moment. Climb on top of the Green Pipe to reach it. Float up to the surface and climb onto the lowest ledge. Float up to the surface and climb up on the platform on your left. It kind of reminds me some sort of a water factory or a hydro dam.