This went on for a few long seconds and then she backed off and very slowly crossed over to the other side of the freeway and made her way up the hill and then disappeared into the night. Nov 8, 2019 - What does a deer symbolize, deer as spirit animal, albino deer meaning, dreams about deer interpretation, deer in different cultures (Christian, Islam) Not sure what it represents and I was wondering. For now keep it in mind and walk through life till the time is right. My husband and I have two beautiful fighters but have been praying for a son, could this be a sign? Hexagon symbolizes balance, harmony, and structure. I would chance your focus and pray for the wellbeing of your beloved dog, ask for the best situation for him to manifest. I crossed the spot that he stood and made my way down to the water. I am completely a deer and now I am 100% at peace and in harmony with that. I went into town to pick up the food. Deer have significant roles in the mythology of various peoples located all over the world, such as object of worship, the incarnation of deities, the object of heroic quests and deeds, or as magical disguise or enchantment/curse for princesses and princes in many folk and fairy tales.. What does it mean to dream of a deer? Suddenly a car comes with a woman driver and scares the deer off, she signals to me to cross the street. Strange. I knew a guy who people used to call the Deer Whisperer. I didn’t take action picture because I was in shock but a part of me felt it was to sacred to capture. After about 10-15 minutes of this, they separated and left. In many dreams a fence or wall also suggests social barriers, the attitudes and feelings people express to keep others at a distance, to keep a separation between those of different social, religious or economic class. Thank you Oskenón:ton, for once again remind me of the truth and the wisdom of this. It skirted the edges of the path and the forest and, when I would pick up my pace, so would she!She trotted along just behind us, zig-zagging in and out of the forest and path edge, its hooves going clippity-clap along the pavement. Within a minute 2 deer came running past me approximately 6 steps away. The day went well interviewing other family members, and there was enough daylight to visit the location of the murders. Does this mean anythin. Recently I’ve started feeding a herd of deer nearby, around 6 doe, 4 fawn, and 2 bucks, but haven’t been the last couple days. No other doe follows. He was getting aggressive with her daughter. I had the impulse when I drew Oskenón:ton, despite all my encounters with her throughout my life, to try for another card. I saw a few does (a doe today actually) and a month ago I saw a young buck run across a field. I was in the woods….the journey there is unclear; my dream started there. Has anybody had a similar experience? It's a figure of innocence - just an animal existing in its natural element. And as I pulled out onto the road another mother and her twin babies crossed my path. Having been a fighter, and someone whose life has been largely identified by my capacity for violence, I have created the illusion, even to myself, that I am most like Bear, Wolf or Coyote. I have had dreams in ways like this but strength can stop them. If anyone can tell me what this means that would help alot….because nothing but bad stuff has been happening….i missed my therapy appointment last week and everything his hell….. Deer medicine is strongly connected to the heart chakra. It’s the ability to maximize the bee’s honey … so, uh… Konnorónhkwa Roger, Deer is seen among almost all the tribes as the Finder of Paths. The heartfelt essence of the Deer opens new doors for us... just as the Deer is on a life long adventure exploring new lands, the Deer leaps high and far symbolizing to us that we too must take leaps of faith into new adventures and new paths in life. To preface, I’ve never had this experience before and I love about a block from the woods but back to a busy road so not sure why this buck was near my window. I feel bad I couldn’t find her and will keep looking for her. I’ve seen this deer 3 times now. They also invariably feel the lure of new adventures. I would get either a young fawn or a little doe! My spirit animal/totum is the deer. are interested in advertising on this site please contact me with your The third day came around, and the EXACT same thing happened, except it were 3 royal white stags that came into the clearing as well as the female deer. Two days ago I made the hardest decision I’ve ever made up to this point of my life., my 14-year-old dog, bounce, could no longer get herself up with my help (she was a big girl, 110 lbs). On my way back I found a crows feather pointing south, I stopped to look at it and got hit by a gust of wind from the East, aka the patch of woods. . Please always tell those kind of situations to your local authorities, even an anonymous email will do. I feel like this dream has some sort of important significance but I don’t know what it’s trying to tell me. I have only seen deer there a handful of times. Hello, I love your website and reference it often. He walk the world without humility. On the way my cousin and I stopped at the cemetery, since we had time, to see the graves. For something to come or something that has. To dream that you hunt or kill one of these creatures suggests that you are trying to suppress those feminine qualities. Can anyone interpret this, please? Folks with the Deer totem have nobility of purpose and a pure heartedness that reflects Buddha’s teachings. I followed it and it was standing with 2 other bucks on a hill, all spaced apart. She looked right at me for a moment and then very calmly walked into the marsh and woods at the rear of the park. This might be another wake up call for you, spirit of love and light. I bought it and I wear the necklace almost everyday to honor the deer and other spiritual reasons regarding my feminine. I’m trying to find my totem through meditation. Can anyone help me understand why the deer is specifically a white deer? My heart aches for your younger self. it also felt like i was one of them and i was just as fast and energetic as them someone help me out with this. does anyone know what meaning this could have? Then, after a few steps, a white tailed buck appeared from my right and stood in front of me, just 10 feet away. <3. No matter how much time passed it seemed to want the deer. Instead, one of them (when I came across a small herd of 5-6 of them) stands it’s ground, stares at me and stomps it’s foot at the ground. As I rounded a bend in the path, she actually cut corners through the forest and met me out the other side! Its snort was a soul challenge to follow its lead. Difficulties: Dark or grey cloud depicts difficulties or bad times that you go through in your life.The color does not only darken the environment but also makes you feel gloomy and depressed. They are also very compassionate, gentle, and loving people. I owe them everything… I have made many changes in my life of late, including seeking to put myself on a more spiritual and honest path. I have had two white-tailed deer cross my path in close proximity recently. Is it true ? Mostly he moves slowly, eyes fixed on us. Therefore, the deer meaning prompts us to lead by doing and showing the way. I woke up thinking how weird it was, and then forgot about it. I came to a crosswalk. Today on my way to work I saw an all white deer. On a completely different posting, I saw myself and others devolve from discussion to argument to deafness. Then another fawn comes out of the woods. I couldn’t read everything on my phone and it kept guessing words wrong. I was given an immediate sense that the child in me was a boy. What is Your Spirit Animal? It was almost as if they couldn’t see her. Just wondering what this meant. Following immediately on Hawk’s message to listen to my spirit, and one of the worst seizures I’ve ever had, which, after an almost weekly series of series, must have something to do with what feels like an unsettled, unsatisfied psyche, seems like a very clear message that it is time for me to take a hard look at my life and whether or not I am following the right path. When we were driving back from the vet with our cat we saw a deer on the side of hte road which had its legs broken. My dear, you are so blessed. He walked with caution before coming closer. , in my dream today, a part of it kept sortof flashing, like you know how a normal dream will play with no inturruptions like a movie? Months ago a psychic told me when a deer lands on my lap to take it in and care for it. I know he passed over at such a tender age, but he is an old soul and knows and understands many things. Later today I interviewed more cousins, and learned some new information about the murders that was very specific. I started to feel scared and tried to walk away and eventually ran but it seems the further I got the more deer came. You’ve had a fairly amazing experience in my opinion. Then i wake up .. Although we didn’t stop, we continued to drive home and call the police as we didn’t have our phone on us. I gave them to my familiar, who is my wolf/pit bull/shepherd mix. I’m looking around the internet to find out what deer means but also I want to know what Baby (fawns) deer mean they are WHITE and I don’t know what the Mother deer color was, However, if one was seen during the normal course of day, this would cause a tremendous ripple among … It followed me me home and refused to approach anyone else, remaining content at my side. I am beginning to get a little nervous. A beautiful and peaceful sight. A distance away from me was a huge herd of deer running off and leaping into the forest. which is how I can offer my information for free to the world ;)  If you The deer could need your help are there no wildlife shelters you can contact? She is never guilty of hubris. If any could email me please I’m curious about this dream. just scroll down! I was standing in the middle of the labyrinth saying to myself that I hope I get to see a deer. any info is appreciated! Was this possibly a connection between the animal spirit and myself. Meanings anyone? I stayed behind, in an area of the zoo that resembled a forest, full of trees. Alternatively, the Deer dream represents vulnerability and naivety. I researched deer spiritual meaning and this is about the 3rd article I came across and I laughed out loud when I learned what the deer represents. Yesterday morning I asked spirit to give me a sign as to who might have committed this crime. The deer was literally just hopping around and then I went to look again, and it just disappeared. I’d never even been stung by a bee before!) That is a powerful way to be in the world. Welcome to my garden, you are all welcome to stay as long as you like". If so, do you recall how it made you feel? Believe it. I fell asleep and was told to by a voice to find a tin of sweet william and burry my child in the woods. my dream was, i was in a building and i saw a mother deer with her two babies. Oskenón:ton is never under the illusion that she is in control. They watched the deer and the deer was serene and unafraid. Deer Symbolism. A group of 6 deer are trying to cross the street. I knew he would struggle in life. As I picked my way along the shore and marsh bank, to my left two deer, a buck and doe rushed past along a hidden trail paralleling my path. I think I tried to look back but I don’t remember if the deer was still there or not. I started seeing a male friend. To start off I’ve always had a weird thing with deer, specifically does and fawns. I turn around to walk off of the labyrinth heading back to the car. I’ve never seen anything like it. Second – I helped a neighbor’s garden, I open the gate and i don’t know if the deer followed me since i walked around the house i saw this deer jumping looking for way to get out…I go the other way hoping the deer goes out of the gate… minutes later come across this deer again this time the deer was outside right by the fence… we got really close as it move farther into the woods. Is my spirit animal a deer? It’s not my site, but white usually means purity/innocence/new beginnings. I had never felt any prior connection to the deer, so does this have any particular meaning that anyone can understand? Hi..I the tigers represent two strong females..the backyard..things you do not want to acknowledge or face…the fawn..represents innocence.. I am forever greatful to these guys. So today I was walking through a wooded area close to my house where I often go hiking. last night I had a dream that I was sitting in the deer stand and there was a doe and then another walked out. He came running towards us and I thought he would hurt me, but he didn’t, somehow he was making sure we made it down OK. We’ve all had many, and sometimes we ignored them. When in doubt Oskenón:ton stops, is still and listens. But Deer is unmistakably a prey animal. As we reached the top of the hill, a fawn came running out to me and began licking my hand non stop- startling me. She then stepped in front of the Mother and told her to stop that we were friendly. This went on for many seconds. So sorry for all the grammar/spelling mistakes on that post! I just saw two good sized bucks with large antlers walking across the street in front of me and then pausing before going through a hedge in someones front yard. The last two times that I have been out, I have seen female deer. Of course they were all too afraid and just stared at me from a distance. Bear smells it. I had to have let out a scream in my sleep as my fiance woke me up to check on me. Summary of Symbolic Meanings for the Deer Love Grace Peace Beauty Fertility Humility Swiftness Regrowth Creativity Spirituality Abundance Benevolence Watchfulness A sense of leaving an environment or relationship – or escape. Clearly the deer is your totem and I am guessing you are quite a unique spirit in your human form. Make sure that you visit. If you are sitting on the fence, it shows you attempting to avoid decision or action. I have never had any connections with a deer someone please reply!!! I take it in my arms and am rushing to the nearest veterinarian, with the deer still in my arms I can feel him gasping for breath but it was too late by the time we reached the hospital, the deer had died. My main spirit is an illuminated white doe. To see a Fawn is to know that new spiritual truths will soon be revealed to you. A deer symbolizes child-like innocence, charm, love, sensitiveness, vigilance, spirituality, generosity, elegance, determination, vibrancy, harmony, creativity, and humility. So I tell my son we need to hurry and get home so I can look up the meaning of my animal totems. He left right after that conversation and has been gone the rest of the day. What does it mean or what is the spiritual significance of it? I’ve never known about spiritual meanings of animals, and for some reason, something just told me to look it up. Not entirely odd, we are rural and have a lot of deer around. Any thoughts? With that said, seeing the deer made me feel good that things in my life will work out for the better. I said “not all of us are like that. The experience has not left me, I relive it in my mind as though it was a vision. I had been helping her get up for months and she was able to go to the bathroom and we went for short walks. He gave me a sour look, transformed back and ran off. The ability to … It is extremely rare for a doe to expose herself and her babies to human eyes. What does the deer symbolize in Stand By Me? When I was a kid, my dad used to call me his “little doe”. What does this mean???? If the animal is black, then it means that you are not acknowledging or are rejecting the feminine qualities in you. Manon DEERS symbolize beauty, gentleness, and peace!! I would be But maybe you can help me with its symbolism…. I am not one to read too much into this stuff, but there was this overwhelming feeling that this men’t something. Hello everyone, anyone that can help with this dream would be greatly appreciated…. I could feel it’s breath on my sleeve and I could smell her. And, if I am truthful with myself, which is always a struggle, I lived my early life, perhaps all of my life as Prey. Self-esteem: The cloud can also symbolize self-esteem.As the cloud wanders around up in the sky beyond your reach, it is regarded as your position in higher level that makes you seem … Four weeks ago, I was walking my dogs down by the river that runs through the city. They are all very healthy, and I have never seen an ill animal in the (4) years I have lived up here in these mountains…I take this as a sign, and I have on idea what this sign means…. It is time for me to move into more listening as well. 8 years ago i became pregnant. Whenever anyone passes into spirit they just lose their bodies, their soul lives on and they’re still there and around you. A dream involving a deer could also point out to virility, alertness, and independence. We cannot fail to mention the deer in the guise of Christ, which could influence the meaning of dreams. Throughout the world Deer symbolizes tenderness tempered with strength. Deer energy? Coïncidence? I felt she hung on and fought dying because she knew how hard it was going to be on me. In a moment, a burst of energy and shaking brush as an animal bolted from my right. He also wants you to know that he plans on returning to this plane of existence soon. I guess the young doe was taking me to meet this one, but then this one told me to go back. Bounce will always be with you and some day you will be joining ed together again at the rainbow bridge I received that like she can’t take care of herself. So now I’m thinking my little girl was still talking to me and she wanted me to hear what she had to say. I have owl and horse next. The cemetery is enclosed in three-feet high chain link fence, and the family plot containing the victims is enclosed with a three or so feet high iron fence. “A pine needle falls in the forest. This has been a theme of my hearing often of late. Consider the symbol to be a pun for someone who is “dear” to you. In my human form, I had a really hard time walking because I felt like I had skinny little stilts for legs and kept tripping and nearly falling. On the other side a huge brown deer buck appears. A few weeks back I was visiting with family, there was a small child there that was close in age to my son and I was feeling very lost and missing him more than usual. If you have any insight on this please HELP me understand what my dream means. The same thing just happened to me. but a Native elder would probably tell you to make a tobacco offering and pray about it…. Yesterday driving home, a deer crossing the road through the forest, I dont drive fast so I stop. We gazed at each other for at least 30 seconds. His birthday is coming up on the 18th and I miss him so much. The other deer represented your friends. The huge deer git so close to me I was able to touch him and pet him! Oskenón:ton is alive always in the world, because failure to pay attention could cost her her life. He went on to say how we are nothing but killers and didn’t like us. Thank you for your authentic words. Please help me understand I’m glad I found this website, some of the interpretations provided above resonate with me, especially as today, while I was working with some oracle/wisdom cards, I received one that indicated that I would be presented an opportunity to “work more closely with the animal kingdom and to find your own magickal familiar.” Which, I suppose could also indicate an animal totem. After having one of the most positive days that I’ve had in a very long time yesterday, (Those of you who know me, know that I have not had much unencumbered positivity in my life for a while now…) I was walking home across McCowan Park as the sun began to set. There was a soccer game going on. Any idea of the meaning of seeing a deer with three antlers? I wanted to know what seeing a large black buck means. Last night was fantastic, I got to seen2 deer. It has feminine qualities and may point to the feminine aspect within yourself. We would have died had it not been for three guys that risked their own lives to save ours. It’s the first thing I would do. the deer was a doe, and it was just butchered up into big pieces. But I kind of keep second guessing myself so is this my spirit animal or no. I wish I could upload a picture of my car. The deer was sacred to the feisty goddess Artemis, from Greek mythology. We have know both of those people in some past life and they have liberated from this world and come back to be with us. Their hooves and antlers churned up the ground as they struggled. I’ve never been on this site but you took the time to share something so wonderful and rare…I had to acknowledge your post and thank you for some pleasant thoughts. Carla. I was walking with no other human in sight, and then a deer literally came out of nowhere, ran left into the bushes, and into the nearby lake. As to what you said for the deer and the man or woman only you are able to find the answer. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I was so upset as I was sure all deer had crossed and I would be so sad if I hurt one. As tears flow some my face reading this – there is a connection so strong with our animals and the love we share for them I’m not sure. Meaning of a White Deer The Native Americans believed the occurance of a white animal was a huge sign of prophecy – a sign from the great spirit that a major shift in their world was to come. Whilst travelling home in the early hours last night upon a motorway doing around 75 mph a deer jumped into our path from the right side and hit the side of the car. What made the experience remarkable, aside from the fact that it was happening in a crowded park in the middle of the city, was that no one else seemed to be reacting to her. Just me in my car and this deer staring at me. A barrier to change or growth or the passing from inside oneself to exterior life. The deer also symbolizes a connection to the supernatural, the Otherworld or to the fairy realm, e.g., … Understanding of what’s necessary for survival, power of gratitude and giving, ability to sacrifice for the higher good, connection to the woodland goddess, alternative paths to a goal. She gave him to a friend and told her friend she could give him back if need be. If this sounds like I’m dreaming it, I’m not. Thank you. Why did the fawn choose me. I think the deer is attempting to inspire you to be courageous and take that plunge into the unknown that he and you both know you need to take; onto the hidden trail. He would need special schooling and he would be inclined to the arts. Not always do we have meanings behind everything that happens to us , I’m a sensitive and dream interpreter for 10+ yrs now I can tell you this ,, your encounter was just that ,, BUT the deep feelings that you can’t shake from this is because the deer is one of your spirit guides ,, the recognition from the mind to your waking life if great , if you want more from this type of thing and how to get intouch with your spirit animals etc , let me know . Upon reviewing my dream, and looking up pictures of vultures, i’d have to say the so-called hawk of my dream was actually a vulture. Is a spirit guide/spirit animal the same? The gentle Deer brings harm to no one, and is a symbol of I have always had a deep connection with deer. Today in church I felt all my fear as a women … prey to potential violence. Check this out: I walk my dog every evening up a wooded hill. I was just wondering if anyone can answer my question. Try to think of exactly how you felt when you saw the deer. Ask for guidance from the Woodland Goddess and she will speak to you. There’s this tree that I often climb because it has a nice view of the surrounding woods. I wondered if maybe someone had been laying out carrots or something (I hope no one has been baiting them, since there is no hunting allowed within the city limits). I saw them being harassed by teenagers, just because they were being assholes, i burst into tears when i saw this i ran down to help them but cops were called to remove them… just a disclaimer i love plants and nature in general so i will help any plant or animal in need, but this time i couldnt so i went to the station to ask if any of them was hurt one cop said my brother tried to shoot one but narrowly missed. Only when we move through life in the spirit of love for all beings can we melt the barriers that separate us from others, from other life forms, and from the beautiful mystery which is our own magical and spiritual gift. We are the ones who will lead in the direction of peace and love. I turned, and it was a doe, maybe around 2 years old or so, if I had to guess. It felt like the dear came to me with a message. I hope that you also share other words that you have written, as you truly have a beautiful message and a wonderful way of conveying it. Eventually someone else attempted to go near it and the fawn took off, never to be seen again. Similar to the Cat and the Dog, Deer totem people know how to use the power of gentleness.

You cannot force people to change, but you can nudge them to the right direction and lead by example.From the deer spirit animal, you can learn that gentleness and kindness can help you overcome many challenging situations.And that being loving and gentle to yourself and to others will show you the real meaning of being whole.Be your own critic, but don’t be too hard on … Just because you are gentle and at peace, it does not have to mean that you are... 3. Hello, my parents turn the lights on, even when it’s not really dark, which really irritates me, and only when my parents are going to sleep/asleep can i turn all the lights off and open the blinds in our living room. Last night I saw a dream which made me sad and I couldn’t get off thinking about what does it mean.I was standing behind a tree and suddenly a brown deer appeared( having a green plants and looking at me)It smiled at me which made me follow that deer…sky was clear…I kept following the deer…….What was dream about ? A pleasure to read. Once I had to drive around her as she would not move from the middle of the street. 3 Unusual Facts About Deer Symbolism 1. I was walking through a forest and came across a fox that wanted nothing to do with me and fled in the other direction, I went into a clearing and there was a hawk flying overhead in circles watching me, I walked into a denser part of the forests and a see two deer, a buck and a doe, mating. I got to know him a little bit and he was very kind, soft spoken and the most empathetic person I had ever seen, ever: he felt people’s problems more than they did, really a lot of sympathy for others. This was my first symbolism from a deer and it was very powerful. As soon as I got in the car to leave, one of his songs came on the radio, and then as I was driving down the road… A mother deer and her twin babies crossed out in front of me. And as I was driving towards the gravesite where he was at, I swear I saw a deer pass alongside of the other sites. When she is straight in front of me about 50 ft from me (the fawns are further behind her watching me sort of) I start humming to her. I wish I would’ve had a carrot to see if I could’ve fed her. There was this golden sparkly energy around the deer and a voice said, and this is not the exact words I’m just paraphrasing because I can’t remember exactly what was said, “You can take as much energy from the deer as you want they have unlimited energy source.” And that’s when I woke up.