Fire was used to burn crops and create famine. The Royal Society, A Very Well Paid Government Department Pushing Climate Change The energy weapons melted cities and destroyed the civilizations of Egypt, Greece and Rome which were approximately of the same time period as Jesus and were heavily influenced by Tartaria. There is also a lot of historical discrepancies in official history about their fleet of warships at the time of WW1 (they had too many, out of nowhere). If sonics were employed and the earth began to vibrate, then Egypt and all other buried archeology would have sunk into the liquified soil and sand, thus offering explanation for the many buried cities and complexes around the world. These wars were actually wars against Tartarians. The Controversy of Zion Douglas Reed 1951. During World War II, the CIA released a guide called “Simple Sabotage.” Inside were their step-by-step instructions to bring down the Nazi war machine from the inside without getting caught. Children and the movement of, has been a constant through the centuries of war. .goog-tooltip, How can we express the ancient of days in us with only the sounds of our yesterdays? They also want to give some people the ability to communicate with them, so if humans destroy everything in a nuclear war, the aliens will be able to help survivors rebuild human civilization. So the use of energy weapons has been going on for over a thousand years. Much of the content was fabricated and interfused with traditional local beliefs. The Vatican oversees the, Often over the years have I found myself staring at the world map and the huge expanse that is, The first paradigm to be challenged would be what academia offers up as chronology. Follow the conversation and stay up to date on Facebook! (death rate is border line ridiculous obviously) This Fire appears to be a classic case similar to the one in Seattle in 1889, and a whole bunch of other ones. When? And remains of beings with elongated skulls. Dipping your nose inside the idea that is Tartary, many things that are taken as sacrosanct are thrown into total and complete disarray. The Great Wall is not seen on any maps pre-dating the late 1600’s. So were the Jesuits. When Napoleon attacked Russia, Moscow was hit by an energy weapon. The Past Is Hidden to Keep You Ignorant | The Old World Order and the Tartaria Empire Our history is not what we been lead to believe! In past ages the world was more diverse. Genghis Khan was said to be a Mogul. In other words, forty thousand Hiroshim. This idea is used all over the world to dismiss and cover-up the ancient advanced cultures. Children and the movement of, has been a constant through the centuries of war. I was investigating how the Roman Empire never truly ended…. Way back in the Old Testament at the time immediately following the Exodus it states that the Israelites used the Arc of the Covenant as a weapon of war. Plus the historical fires of great libraries. Covert War Between Russia and Khazarian Jewry. So most of it’s construction occurred in 1700’s and it was built to keep the encroaching Chinese out of Tartaria. X22 Report Published January 27, 2021 The [DS]/MSM are now trapped, they are red pilling America, people can now see very clearly and they don’t like what they see. After spending most of my 20’s and 30’s in sunny Southern California I returned to the NW and now reside in Washington state. [2]Full introduction of the main subject matter relating to the mud flood idea. Deception has been utilized to push history back a thousand years and create an artificial dark age. They would set out to create the centre of this new money and power Hungary movement in Rome, Italy, commencing the building of the Vatican complex as we today know it, on top of what was there before, and to then claim it as the centre of Christendom from the start, in order they could sideline Constantinople and move to oppose it. Graveyards of little people and horned human like entities have been unearthed. I then learned of a growing idea of a mud flood event not that long ago which lead to a concept they are calling the restart. .goog-text-highlight { It is also said that the returning Levites after the Babylonian captivity were in fact full fledged black magician’s who took root within the tribes of Judah and Benjamin who had been outcast by the Israelites. His credentials come from a Russia under the Soviet Bolshevik regime which presents a big red flag, this is especially important when contemplating the real motives behind the rise of the new power in the West, the Russian Orthodox Church. Tartaria was a global empire spread by the Irish : Great Wall of China They kill off the adults and are left to do as they please with the remaining children. In 1346 at the Siege of Kaffa in the Ukraine the Tartarians suffered an epidemic of plague brought on by the catapulting of viruses into the city. The electrical capacity of such an apparatus would be over 500 volts. I think we already reached technocratic advance ments in the past like androids and highly advanced cybernetics and the destruction had so!ething to do with the old kingdom of “heaven” and they are properly still immortals around today via technocratic ways. If the above document is a real CIA written work, then I suggest it is further evidence that the Russian Orthodox Church is the Church of Zion, and, in forming the huge deception for the Mohammedans to absorb, suggests that this new energised political Islam is but a front for the new world order to be used as the subverter of Gods creation. The last thousand years would be the history of concealment of the real heritage of Europe with a slow and methodical undermining of the priesthood, from which they were able to replace the truth with the garbage we are offered today. We must also consider that the book burning frenzy that took place across Europe, said to be burning there works of Luther, were in fact removing the books that gave the real truth about what Rome was, in order a new Rome, the one we have today, could be birthed to bedazzle the populations through a false heritage. Peace and freedom was been replaced by being fenced up in strict borders. They kill off the adults and are left to do as they please with the remaining children. Interestingly enough that of all places in "tartaria" no alleged "tartarian" architecture can be found - but this can't be caused by the claimed cataclysmic nuclear war because the area is so damn huge that a nuclear annihilation of such a magnitude would have destroyed the world as a whole. The openings on the wall are on the north side towards the former Tartary not on the south China facing side. A totally false narrative is taught. [3] Betrayal of those Russians who fought against Stalin were returned to Stalin after WWII. For the most part the citizens of this country were led by their own guidance of natural law honoring truth and integrity. The miss-use of this technology, we are told, took place in Atlantis, which was an agreement between 10 empires, that moved to takeover the world for itself. The openings on the wall are on the north side towards the former Tartary not on the south China facing side. The grid was changed to ensure all magical efforts served the reverse of the tree, this new empire is built in the tunnels of Set which feeds the Qlippothic world and shifts the matrix into hell. The reason why Jewish people look down upon Christians is because they know they invented the Christian religion. Seeking Ophir, The Phoenician Empire Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I spent many years seeking out information about Atlantis as a constant study, but around ten years ago I ceased, not being able to find new inspiration to move the concept further. Something changed around a thousand years ago, the once global empire collapsed and in rushed a lesser priestcraft that has moved to hide and demolish all evidence of the old possibly Hyperborean run empire, headed out of Ireland. Honestly, it makes more sense then the current narratives. The Islamic Party of Ontario, whats it all about. My thoughts steer towards the Mongol invasion being a cover for a much larger attack on the entire landmass leaving history seeing only the Mongol as native to those lands. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. They used Monks to write what they wanted making them think they were doing God’s work. body { At head of page: Lesser Tartary. I now am an avid animal rights activist and believe human rights, animal rights, and environmentalism should all go hand in hand. Hence, there is Israel the nation and then there are Jews and the fake and un-holy Templar Israel. One thing we do know is that history, especially chronologically, has been manipulated always to big up one particular race over others, thus what we see as ancient history is nothing of the sort, they have fabricated our heritage and pushed way back into remote history many recent historical events, that they have also expanded the extent and power of their own empires, if they ever had any. Memoirs of the Life of William Whiston, 1749, The Royal Society, A Very Well Paid Government Department Pushing Climate Change. They made ziggurats, star forts, dolmens and earthen mounds all of which utilized Etheric natural energy. A religious leader holds great power able to influence many simple minds who believe the leader’s edicts are from God. The architecture they are hiding under the title of Tartaria is more than likely the old advanced empire that operated according to the grid brought about by Jesus and his thousand year reign, that this new creed was headed not in Russia at all, which from 1917 has been the playground of the Bolshevik, an incursion that would shift the Russian Orthodox Church away from Christ and into the hands of the Greek canon coming out of Byzantium. border: none !important; Today they call that prison Israel and hope to slaughter at least two thirds of those living in Israel to activate the slaughter in Europe. Once one controls the money supply and its allotments then they control the country. Evidence of highly advanced scientific methods employed within Tartaria from the 1600s : Lexicon technical, or, a universal English dictionary of arts and sciences : explaining not only the terms of art, but the arts themselves, by Harris, John, 1667? Nostradamus predicted a devastating nuclear war, starting soon, and predicted with amazing accuracy events which have passed in the last few decades. It would be the Queens that defeated the Hyksos in Egypt, and perhaps the real reason they have gone all out to hide such a narrative from Egyptian heritage within the network we call Academia. Making deals with kings was a way they were able to get control of a country’s financial system. This was found in Sir Francis Nethersole’s study after his death. In the Middle Ages the spraying of viruses not only eliminated entire villages it caused the Black Plague which killed off over 70 million people in Europe. This is very eye opening. The fabulous outside arenas around the Mediterranean Sea. The second would be to contemplate the fact, everything your entire experience has forced fed you to accept as the real, both in a historical context and in the moment or in the now, is perhaps the biggest deception ever to have been accepted as fact by a global population in which a future they are coerced to vote in, will cancel them out. The new and twisted doctrine comes out of the Talmud of the. I’m not sure how to take this in but it does explain alot. Wow! A few facts about the Great Fire of Jacksonville: In eight hours, the fire burned 146 city blocks, destroyed more than 2,368 buildings, and left almost 10,000 residents homeless. In essence we can clearly see that in the Northern Hemisphere there once was a great empire held together under a trade agreement. So most of it’s construction occurred in 1700’s and it was built to keep the encroaching Chinese out of Tartaria. I’ll have to study up on this more but my senses are definitely intrigued. From my many years of research a picture has formed, and I might add, a very palatable image in which a more likely reality offers up the idea that previous to the Crusades, Christendom was a huge realm with monarchs overseeing each nation under the authority of a Church that represented the message in the Gospels. Never was mortar used. From 909 AD, this monastery was taken over by the warrior cast, the Carolingian dynasty, who then set about inverting the Benedictine doctrine on land ownership and became a powerful religious order that required land and more land ad infinitum. "Tartary, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. With the idea of Tartaria, and having seen the Inuit statement that the Earth had shifted on its axis a couple of years ago, an image of the Earth from above over the North Pole, launched an idea that Tartaria supports. ONCE YOU COMPREHEND all history was Falsified after The Great Nuclear Hydrogen War between Tartaria and Chaldean, then you know why them of the SNAKE and the EAGLE Blood Lines have kept we the people “of and for” Our PINEAPPLE Blood Lines in bondage… The present map is one of four world maps with decorative panels issued by Visscher between 1614 and 1652. Did you find something else? } It should be called the Great Wall of Tartaria. Hence, there is Israel the nation and then there are Jews and the fake and un-holy, Once there were the Israelites who became imprisoned by Judah that became known collectively as Judaism. .prisna-gwt-align-right { What I do know from my Chinese studies, China and Mongolia were not on good terms, ever. The time of Jesus was less than 1000 years ago. text-align: left !important; In this way righteous kings were replaced by insurgent kings who defrauded the people to take part in unjust wars. They would not let me share on Fb. text-align: right !important; Why St George? A great insight into the history of the Tribes and also Judah which is contrary to the current narrative is the book, The Controversy of Zion Douglas Reed 1951-6 Published 1978 PDF download. Heading the charge for a Russian controlled empire called Tartaria is Alexander Fomenko, but the old books I have read so far show clearly that the main enemies of Tartaria are the Muscovites, the Mohammedans and the Rothschild British East India. Seven human deaths were reported. The ones who carried it had to wear protective clothing. The truth is also that these ships were Tartarian and their exploits in the fake Civil war were made-up. His mounted warriors were called Tartars. So most of it’s construction occurred in 1700’s and it was built to keep the encroaching Chinese out of Tartaria. Something changed around a thousand years ago, the once global empire collapsed and in rushed a lesser priestcraft that has moved to hide and demolish all evidence of the old possibly Hyperborean run empire, headed out of Ireland. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The system they are pushing over the globe is best classed as the Mystical Body of Satan. They created exquisite statues and crafted golden ornaments. The first paradigm to be challenged would be what academia offers up as chronology. The new and twisted doctrine comes out of the Talmud of the Druid Dis. A 19th century fireplace, France, Dijon. What this suggests is that the use of energy weapons has been going on for over a thousand years, as such, they had perfected the technology to the point that it was able to take out many millions of Tartarians. One can only get an accurate view of the total picture by looking at it from every angle with an open mind. [1] Foundlings and the Orphan Trains. It´s hard to understand, if the were more civilized, how were they defeated? So was Washington DC in the War of 1812. Just look at the quality of the fireplace itself and the quality of white tiles that were put there afterwards in order to reduce the size of the firebox. Fantasies have replaced truth and everything is pushed way back to the remote past. nuclear football. Marco Polo wrote an extensive and detailed account of Asia in the 13th and 14th centuries and did not even mention a wall. The architecture they are hiding under the title of Tartaria is more than likely the old advanced empire that operated according to the grid brought about by Jesus and his thousand year reign, that this new creed was headed not in Russia at all, which from 1917 has been the playground of the Bolshevik, an incursion that would shift the Russian Orthodox Church away from Christ and into the hands of the Greek canon coming out of Byzantium. They built amazing edifices all over the world. box-shadow: none !important; Now they are broken and shattered and blown to bits. The astonishing Serapeum of Saqqara in Egypt. Interestingly de-classified CIA files from the coldwar talk specifically of Russian’s “deleting” evidence and documents from the former Tartarian Empire – the files are available onine. } It is rather interesting the canons face China and not Russia on the great wall ? It was a quite daring idea for that time. The boundaries of the republic did not include a majority of the Volga Tatars. The tribe of Israel also used religion as a means to get their foot in the door in the ruling affairs of foreign countries. The Great Wall is not seen on any maps pre-dating the late 1600’s. I would suggest that the Crusades were the portal for the influx of the Magi controlled House of Judah, from which the subversion of Christian kingdoms would begin across Europe and Russia, and from that platform they moved east and moved against the subject matter of this report, Tartaria, or Tartary. The Grand Canal in China and the Erie Canal in America. It should be called the Great Wall of Tartaria. Nuclear energy is not a civilian economic activity. The agenda of the Jewish Templars was to create the secret society title of King of Jerusalem in league with Saladin in the pact of 1150. Russia Controls Israel Opposing armies would be defenseless against such a weapon. .goog-tooltip:hover { Very good I enjoyed it very much I would like some audio from yourself to add some of your own ideas but still very good. Not only are they pushed way back into remote history, the extent of their empires have been fabricated. The Old World Order was replaced by the New World Order. Tartary did not dissolve. After the destruction of Atlantis, the ionosphere was greatly intensified. I am in search of historical records to find the real cause of the disappearance of Tartary. Why St George? Did we really go to war against Nazis, or was it the whole world against the last Tartarians for domination? So most of it’s construction occurred in 1700’s and it was built to keep the encroaching Chinese out of Tartaria. He was quite an amazing man. The story says we detect that radiation today, and suffer high birth defects and cancer, left over from this nuclear war 8-12,000 years ago. I remember meeting Dr. Pauling during the work as part of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, where he was speaking not about biochemistry, but about the need to address the threat of nuclear war. Thank you . Then you find research, backed by Google Earth, that suggests a massive nuclear conflagration and a series of cataclysms was also in play, but the historians tell us we are on a linear timeline of technological advancement. Genghis Khan fought to restore the kingdom of Tartary and reclaim their land. Or, they are destroying the creation and replacing it with Islam the sword. They enjoyed a high standard of living and dwelt in harmony with nature. It had a constant radiation but it also sent out intermittent electrical surges where many people were killed instantly. But these light colored people came to kill them. Books written in Tartary were rewritten and sold as Jewish history. Their beliefs harkened back to the events in the ancient sky when a light colored god came down from the heavens to save them. The precursor to the ongoing covert hybrid WW3 has its colorful beginnings in the Kingdom of Khazaria, a Turkic empire which had its epicenter center in what is now known as Ukraine. However, that is the only point on which the two histories have affinity, because if Tartaria is indeed a point of fact, then Newton was cementing the history offered by the Biblical tradition as the only history post Crusades. In Britain the City of London exported hundreds of thousands of British children across the commonwealth while importing blacks and Asians back into Britain. With all that in mind we will enter this topic through the eyes of centuries gone by as they speak of Tartaria as we would today speak of Europe. You can see the many tribes amongst those about to be returned to Russia, tribes that would fit the narrative of the destruction of Tartaria and complete takeover of the same for itself and ally in communism, the China of Mao. Posted by Bennett Ross | Jul 3, 2018 | History |. The following 1979 documentary examines Nostradamus's predictions in the lead-up to World War 3. This was found in Sir Francis Nethersole’s study after his death, Memoirs of the Life of William Whiston, 1749  (Chapter 388. They built the Great Wall in what is now China. Phileasfogg ... Iran's nuclear ambitions - between war & diplomacy – Jerusalem Studio 578. Judah would reform behind the Khazar and birth, 458 BC-One day in this year the petty Palestinian tribe of, So we have a bit of a puzzle to be solved… did those tribes imprisoned by the, A great insight into the history of the Tribes and also Judah which is contrary to the current narrative is the book, The Controversy of Zion Douglas Reed 1951-6 Published 1978. Puma Punku which is part of the Tiahuanacu complex in Bolivia had interlocking megaliths of andesite and diorite. Initially, the ethnonym Tatar possibly referred to the Tatar confederation.That confederation was eventually incorporated into the Mongol Empire when Genghis Khan unified the various steppe tribes. In Britain the City of London exported hundreds of thousands of British children across the commonwealth while importing blacks and Asians back into Britain. It's been rumored for a long time that Japan played a major role as a naval object of Tartaria in the old war, as there were based strategic ship-building facilities. That since at least the Middle Ages, all evidence of the empire was systematically deconstructed until another force finally killed off all the survivors by the mid 1700s, from which all references to the empire Tartaria, would be omitted from all future academic works. By Giles Fletcher, Doctor of Both Laws, and sometime Ambassador from Elizabeth, Queen of England, to the Emperor of Russia. } Source: Helios Numerous sci-fi writers of the beginning/mid 20th century descrbied an idea of artificial sun. Skeletons of giants are found on all continents. Against the Amorites, Midianites and Philistines. The Arc was an electrical capacitor composed of silver and brass alloys and gilded with gold. A video about the false timeline and fabricated years used to fit the mainstream narrative. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The first two world wars were to wipe out remaining Tartarian influences. In 1639, Visscher prepared this exquisite world map on Mercator’s projection in the style of Blaeu and Jansson. US State Department, «The Lobotomized Power» is a malicious pro-Kremlin faction of US bureaucracy. display: none !important; Contact Us >>. So have been all the Popes and the Mormon leaders. It should be called the Great Wall of Tartaria. This was the day on which the theory of the master-race was set up as “the Law”. Not a new concept at all which Isaac Newton presented to his Queen when he supplied a, The main narrative of this story presents the idea that a huge and highly technologically advanced northern hemisphere empire existed, that after some dubious internal decisions were enacted, the consequences triggered a series of catastrophic events that saw many of the inhabitants flee. This intensification tended to cut man off from the higher forms of inspiration, making advancement so much more difficult. This is fascinating stuff! Winston Churchill : Zionism Verses Bolshevism 1920. The remnants of the empire are thought to have been completely demolished by about 1733, and not until the ability of flight, was there any signs of the empire and its buildings in Siberia to modern man. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from Cosmic Surge. Then you find Tartaria or more commonly known as Tartary. In the Middle Ages the i and J before numbers designated Jesus. Older advanced structures are credited to local people who came later who have no idea how to build them. Something major happened that it was overtaken by Russians. The energy weapons melted cities and destroyed the civilisations of Egypt, Greece and Rome in what was the same time period as Jesus, (maybe only a thousand years ago) and were heavily influenced by what was Tartaria.