I tried the protection shield activation, and although having done a lot of light-shield meditations so far, all of which were great, this one in combination with the seal is the most powerful one, I feel more protected than ever with whatever exercise I have done before!!! My understanding is Sirians can bring great technical advancement. The Sirian Masters hold some of highest perspectives on the series of incarnations we take that lead us to Earth which often include lives with Sirius, Orion, Vega and Pleiades as well. I consider this to be one of the two most important books I have read in my life - the other being the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. So, with their great technical skills, Sirians invented etheric implants. Sirian starseeds origin from Sirius. Weaving together the teachings delivered through Cori’s books with Tarot traditions of the past, they bring a new interpretation of the journey of self-discovery hidden in the Tarot’s archetypal symbols and meanings. Sep 14, 2015 - The Sirian Seal Photo: Starseed Tool of Transition. Many people believe children being born since the 1980s have special traits that make them the next level of human evolution. Sirians had highly developed technology. I do something called a Star Seed Healing using a tuning fork and chime. It is a time in which you are experiencing the opening of galactic portals and a closing of Earth temples – the merging of ages. Within its sacred geometric form lies the holographic blueprint that you can effectively utilize for: “We, humble servants of the light, bequeath to you a transitional key to the opening of your sacred doorways: this sacred seal. It is one of Earth’s nearest neighbours. Honoring the core structure of the Tarot and the wisdom … Sirian starseeds have special connection to Lemurian crystals because they encoded them with Light codes of the ancient knowledge. The tetrahedron and the star tetrahedron embody the harmonics of the higher frequencies coursing through your quadrant of the material universe, serving as the vibrational blueprints for the re-patterning of your 12 DNA filaments. Namaste trydja… And thank you for the updates….. beautiful timing as always…. Oh, Sirians are so light-seeking, in their own way :). My colleagues told me that I “look” different, although they saw me one week ago, one said that I am beaming like a lightray. I put the Seal in my left hand and then covered it with the right hand and then I put it against my body between the heart and the solar plexus. Some people saw waves of colour, including colours they’ve never seen before. I felt a lot of magnetic movement in my head and chest. I was in a hit and run accident last December and got side impact whiplash from it. As you accelerate your awareness of the cosmometry that defines Universal Intelligence, you lay down the blueprints of higher dimensional awareness upon which the awakening DNA can utilize the building blocks of light to reconstruct the DNA codes of your fully activated light bodies. With The Sirian Starseed Tarot, they bring new consciousness to the time-tested realm of the Tarot. and author of  Spiritual Liberation, "The Speakers of the Sirian High Council have transmitted to us a deep dive corroboration of the science-based discovery of the Omniverse." Indeed, the logarithmic spiral appears as the macrocosmic galaxy, to the atom and countless representations of life and consciousness in between – for it is the ultimate universal measure of which Creation is formed. An awesome experience for me, thank you for this gift…. It was to advance the spirituality of less developed portion of the Sirian population. pleiadian-starseed: “ First Chakra – Earth, grounding, home, work, finances, manifestation and being here. For I knew I would entering this stage of the cosmic cycles in a amplified way and i knew I needed to deepen my SEALING Of my SELF my SACRED SPACE and the SEAL does that perfectly….. Its always around my neck reminding me that I am self contained and my sirian brothers and sisters are dancing the cosmic dance of heaven one earth with me every step of the way……. It seems many Sirians find it hard to trust others wholeheartedly. Step across the threshold, knowing we will be there. Last night I had pulled a muscle in my shoulder, which was sore today so that was the reason for such a long session. To truly walk through this storm unscathed, we must now exercise our greatest ability to repel the destructive energies, amplify our protective shields and remain sovereign in every sense, at every moment – from this day forward. The power of the Light Language Sirian songs completely astounded me. -Debbie West, It is now rated in the top 100 of many thousands of scripts submitted and will be represented by Scriptapalooza with over 125 producers and industry professionals – who go to them for new material. Nobody of my colleagues knew about the seal…they just felt a “difference” in my energy! Sirians are very good at analytical thinking and well organized. Carolyn Coates Rosalind Easter Paramount to the activation of your new light bodies is the repair of your existing DNA bio-data and the activation of dormant DNA codes within you – genetic information that has been rendered inactive and fragmented due to the manipulation of the electromagnetic frequencies of inner and outer Earth. Today is about Sirians. © 2008-2021 crystalwind.ca. Sep 14, 2015 - The Sirian Seal Photo: Starseed Tool of Transition. Even though he had been improving before he started wearing the seal, after he started wearing it, I noticed even greater improvement. Are You A Sirian Starseed? All rights reserved. Thanks to his presence we were able to return yet again to the Security Council chambers (before they went into session) where we quietly prayed for world peace—standing behind key chairs of the delegates including the President of the Security Council. This is also reflected in many beliefs, and relevant to my Tantric Hindu path is that the Triangle is the most sacred image of Shiva & Shakti, and also the creation is understood to have 3 main different properties (inertia, action and balance). While most Pleiadians are positive light-seeking souls, quite a few have turned to negative and experimented with the implant technology. 25,26, 27, 28 and 29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. One interesting note which was sheared with me because I asked the question on how to broadcast these transformational energies to the satellites and the communications system since they cover the whole planet. I am taking my time here as I want to integrate its effects fully. It happened then it will happen now. Its a fine job and such a honourable, couragous, loving thing to carry out…. My gorgeous copper Sirian Seal arrived from Rome and just made it through its first unintentional wash cycle, sanctifying all of my laundry, the waters of the Santa Monica sewers and thusly the entire bay, ocean and world – and now it’s even more sparkling and beautiful! I felt my body shift vibration as soon as I was holding the seal and my voice became more resonant more refined in sound.. And this wasn’t through etheric vision either–this was full frontal physical vision! So they probably have the need to insist they are right. “I experience the seal as a very powerful tool, energies shifting up and down, but I feel very good with it and love to be in the powerful energy of the seal. Sirius appears very bright because of its proximity to the solar system. People on the phone ask me what I’m on. Sirius is the brightest star in our sky and is a multi-star system, i.e. Starseed symbols are geometric shapes that hold symbolic meaning. Arcturus is said to be quite an old system of stars. You are drawn to acting, writing, and other creative work where you can express yourself freely. Lotta power there! It is a time in which you are experiencing the opening […] To find out your specific starseed alignments, you can check out this free birth chart reading here. It was to advance t… “I’ve been giving some thought to the divine proportion/golden mean, and how we are each a microcosm of that, the inner being’s vibration within us, and us within our inner being, and how they are related in the proportions of the golden mean, 1.618 a major fifth, and just on an impulse noticed that this ratio is within the Sirian Seal. So now this seal coming for me, Tony, to use is as something coming back to me. Again, many Sirians are still stuck in themselves at this time, so they may not be making big improvements, but still they can’t help their tendency to tweak things here and there. All of a sudden a comet or UFO shot straight out of the Sirian STAR.. That was the validation for a lovely first day with the sirian seal…. Cherie Haydon – Asatara Patricia Cori, who channels Sirian High Council, wrote many books. When I got the Seal, I started feeling like my old self again. Wonderful book and the energy from the symbol is magnificent. It works like a remote control device. My body started to jerk, I felt energies aligning within my body. Sirian starseed origin. Its effect is wow, but I think it will take some time for me to focus through it and fully experience that which I am part of. This is very powerful. How odd to find my doodle. This time, of course, it must come with care and respect for others’ free will. Every aspect of your reality is determined by your karmic contracts and, moreover, your focused will. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FibonacciNumber.html. Founder, Agape International Spiritual Center I reasoned if this could be done then it would help in elevating the frequencies and help to neutralize some of the negative information that our bodies are receiving from them. You may share anything you wish with whoever you like regarding the Seal experiences. Also, I found it highly interesting that ever so many minutes, I was asking the Ancient Ones to “step up the energies again” so that they were growing more and more intense and it went for hours. Many people would burst into tears instantaneously upon hearing them, describing their huge sense of relief that someone finally understood them. Only then can we go on to transmute these forces and send them on to their next stage of evolution – wherever and whatever that may be. Within us all is the ability to hold off all shadow forces. I opened the package and started holding the seal as i was opening the book up for a look and the tears started just poring down my cheeks, wow.. It begins with your focused intention to raise and refine your conscious awareness, rearranging the substance of your material reality to reflect your heightened vibrations and so altering your physical being. I’ve tried everything from my Osteopath, drugs, Physical Therapy, and now a Naprapath. As your planet adjusts to the mutating electromagnetic energies now permeating Earth fields, this dormant genetic information is indeed beginning to reorganize itself: from scattered fragments and disconnected bits into the highly articulated cosmometrical designs of multidimensional consciousness. Listen closely and without reservation to their guidance about our ascension and heed their warnings – lest you get caught unaware and fall back into the matrix.  Minus sugar coating, boldly unveiled in the New Sirian Revelations is our final step towards complete sovereignty … a must read!" Divining means to find out by... Read more, Welcome to this 10 minute guided meditation to help welcome the Spring Equin... Read more, Plantain I took it upstairs with me and placed it into my lap just below where my hands were in the prayer position. Discover (and save!) The "Ummac Dan" is the symbol of the Sirian Star system. It seemed to stabilize something, as I tended to cough a bit with the energy near me at first but I have been in supercruise mode all week. I seem to have too much energy (not only do I get up at 6.30 am to go swimming for an hour but then clean my place and spend time dancing on caribbean music afterwards!). This latest book is a most worthy successor to the original trilogy of Sirian Judith Swan – Reiki Master Mission Realmers: They, too, received etheric implants from the negative souls when they were coming to Earth. Accelerating the Ascension Process Through Multidimensional Geometric Patterning: “As you seek to release yourselves from the extreme polarity of the holograph in which you find yourselves at this moment – the 3D polar fields of Earth ascending – you are learning a great deal of how your dense, physical being is beginning the process of transcendence into a higher, lighter, more luminous body – the awakening light body. In both instances I had with me the Sirian Council’s special triune symbol (The Sirian Seal™) and utilized it to put in place—the unique linkages which, although invisible to human sight – is now implanted in the UN. Really deeply at times, in hips, knees, shoulders, feet and in diagonal patterns from one side to the other. This is the true alchemical magic – the spiritualization of matter – that for so long has eluded all but your most learned masters, as you walk in the filtered light of your veiled reality. So Sirians know the dark side of advanced technology. Superimposed on the gold star is a silver cross. Click on the image – experience the shifting energies – here is an example of a two dimensional design shifting you beyond the third dimension! Ellis Evans “Hi Patricia, I am SO excited by the Sirian Seal – it IS the Sacred Geometry of LOVE – the Golden Mean spiral coming into the Tetrahedron!!! All in all the seal is so far one of the most powerful tools I have ever held in my hands (well, in this life..) and I am veeeerrrry grateful to having received it, words cannot express how much I appreciate it that you, Patricia, and the Council have given this to us…..THANK YOU !! Anyway, usually I can feel the energy working either along along my body either from end to end or diagonally or sometimes in an oval pattern. That said, its initial effects were very powerful e.g. It was similar to many powerful things I’ve seen before, all using triangular/tripartite imagery (as you say in the book, three being the resolution and perfection of apparent duality). It is very similar to the way we use symbols here on earth. It felt right holding it in my hand and I have been wearing it since. By. Ronald S. Ross Weaving together the world-renowned teachings delivered through Cori’s best-selling books with Tarot traditions of the past, they bring a new interpretation of the exquisite journey of self-discovery hidden in the Tarot’s archetypal symbols and meanings. This can be quite confusing to those who are looking at Sirians. One of their worlds, called Sirius B, is a water planet that contains dolphins, whales and merpeople. Site Creation by, The Folklore and Mythology Surrounding Crick…, Cartomancy - Fortune Telling Using Playing C…, Spring/Ostara 10 Minute Guided Meditation Fo…. Oh, wow, Patricia! No one commented on it, or attempted to stop me from my work. Purpose of storing Light codes within crystals was to literary create „time capsules” that can be access at any given time. But with all the disruptors at work in our realm, we are not always clear enough to hold up against their interference and its effect upon all living beings in our world. All my love and devotion, Amarna Sinclair – Flower of Life Facilitator Sirius Star System has two the best known inhabitable Planets – the Planet A and the Planet B. I wrote about Sirius A and Starseeds from Sirius traits in another article.. Sirius B is a wonderful blue Planet, completely covered by water, and a Home for 7-dimensional etheric and 5-dimensional physical Beings – the Merpeople, also dolphins, whales, fish and other rich … Yet I need to talk about Sirians before I talk about other starseed groups because Sirians have had major influence on them. Since childhood, triangles and the figure three have always been very sacred to me. These modified seals I believe would be using the carrier waves of the communications equipment [micro wave, electric and other electro magnetic fields as transporters of the Sirian energies. Benevolent, yet somewhat invasive, I think. Look to see how many of your chart’s alignments are within the 25 to 27 degree range. If I could bring only one book with me to a desert island, it would be this." Sirians love improving things. If you're a Starseed and one of the types I mention doesn't seem to jive with you, there may be a type out there that rings true for you if you do a bit of googling. Pleiadians: Pleiadians have their own interesting history. . Some of them have come to this planet for their benefit or to support a darker mission. Or find something “more interesting” to do. When it comes to Chine... Read more, The Focus And Study Stone It is on this day that the Earth and the Sun line up with Sirius. No matter where I was, or who I was meeting for the first time, I was finding people with 25, 26, 27 degree planets. Birth Totem: Wolf We are the Speakers of the Sirian High Council.”. And she is a psychologist — a very people kind of science. CEO International Entertainment CorporationÂ, "Twenty years ago a remarkable series of transmissions began from a six- dimensional collective, the Sirian High Council, to their scribe - Patricia Cori. A print shop would be able to do this at a modest cost. For those who are ready, there can now be direct contact with Light Beings of other dimensions – but only when the focus is perfected can connection be pure and unaltered: this, too, is of utmost importance to our expanding consciousness and its manifestation on Earth. I noted the dedication to your mother, and I seconded your salutation to her…umm… can’t say”memory” because she is still “is.”, My impression: I’m not quite sure what is going on but I do feel more energy. Pleiadian Starseed Markings Lavendar identified the following planetary aspects as indicators for Pleiadian lineage: 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. We can all learn from mistakes. This, in simplistic terms, is a biological overview of what must occur for you to reactive all the light filaments of your complex beings, as you prepare for full light body ascension out of the matrix of your earthly existence. An Overview of Sun Sign Characte... Read more, What are Crystal Gem Grids? I am writing to tell you of my experience with the seal you sent to me and that I received on Saturday afternoon. It is time you truly understand what you are creating when you reach out to the astral, calling into you beings from other dimensions.”. Journalist, host of Lost Knowledge Radio & media spokesperson for ECSRN Extraterrestrial Civilization Scientific Research Network. Eventually, negative forces found out about this great technology, and they started to modify the implants to their advantage. They also made their versions of etheric implants by copying the technology. With the third strand, the positive and negative charges of the electro-magnetic form are slowly being replaced by neutrally charged particles – the reflection of your transmutation into light body. Never in my life (and I have channeled thousands of hours of divine energies from the Melchizedek, The Ascended Masters, Archangels, the Seraph Angels, Stargate Alignments, The Beings of Light, the Great Central Sun, etc.) These two soul groups came to Earth by physical means. Bill Gieskieng Two nights ago, the Activation Light Codes went into play and the energies were very, very interesting, but no where near compared to what happened last evening when I received the Sirian Seal in the mail. The initial intention Sirians had when they invented the etheric implants was benevolent. Suzannah Galland your own Pins on Pinterest So the triangular key is to always love BOTH yourself and others simultaneously and get rid of the devastating human illusion of the need to compete for love and “rewards”, from parents, friends, partners and so on, in order to to feel good. When I finally could open my eyes, I no longer recognized the room that I had been sitting in. Feminine energy is intuitive, emotional, and connected – but it is also a calming force that allows for considered thought and patient teaching. Sirius is probably the most important star when it comes to humanity's future as we head further towards the Sirian culture ourselves. I know (in this vision I am having) that the Seal is also in the Sphinx. Polarians, as well as Earth souls, are affected by the result of the planetary changes. There are five such polyhedrons, the Tetrahedron, the Octahedron, the Cube, the Icosahedron and the Dodecahedron. When we learn and integrate the unique spiritual … They are able to describe in spiritual terms the potential and profound growth we experience as a soul when we choose this particular path. Etheric implants have also been used in “star wars”, causing catastrophic results. Sirians tend to be caught up in their own plans. . I didn’t know whether I ought to give you my feedback as regard to the seal but after reading your newsletter and other people’s testimonies I feel that you ought to know that I am another one who actually felt that the seal has been another turning point in my daily life. The movement is constantly perfectly balancing the male and female which IS the ASCENSION!”, Michael Rupprich – Austria (So if you are a Sirian, let me know what you think about this article — I appreciate your feedback. Sirians’ ideal, then, is to contribute to the improvement of this world with their expertise by overcoming these challenges. It is a time of humankind’s greatest potential, but this we must realize through our dedicated will and focused determination. To return to the top of the page click HERE, A GOOD DAY FOR THE WHALES OF THE ANTARCTIC, DNA – THE AKASHIC RECORD LIES WITHIN US ALL. Your conscious application of these Universal energy patterns, represented in the simple geometric form of the Sirian Seal™, helps you reach resonance, at the cellular level, with the archetypal patterns of higher vibrational frequencies: the blueprint of your awakening DNA. Ostara is a... Read more, Cougar -  Turquoise -  Plantain -  Blue and Green It was unlike any previous session in the 2 years that I have used the machine – I don’t know if you are familiar with it at all. So they’ve tracked me down and bringing gifts of peace and working with the etheric grids and Nodes that I have been actively dancing in…. With all that you are confronting and placing into your fields of probable realities, it is high time you understood the importance of creating sacred space, shielding your energy fields and expelling all but the highest energies. THANK YOU TO THE SIRIANS FOR THIS AWESOME TOOL.”, Tony welcomes your questions – you can contact him at andromedan7@yahoo.com. It is an emblem that intensely activates all humans. It is the resolution of that duality, bringing balance and substance to all polarity. If this makes any sense to you please give it some thought and I would be very happy to shear what I know in this effort. You are good at decorating and combining colours. Regardless of how exotic, not every soul has intentions based on light and love. I feel so fortunate to find myself being guided to (this) information…. . Weisstein, Eric W. “Fibonacci Numbers.” Eric Weisstein’s World of Mathematics. Here are some of the more popular and known types of Starseeds. We have entered the Desert Days, elucidated in the Sirian Revelations, the long-prophesized Era of Transition. This process is being facilitated by the incredible transmutation of your Sun and all the planetary bodies comprising your Solar Logos, but as always – you hold the keys to your personal evolution. Helps you feel grounded Gender: Feminine Planet: Venus Element: Ea... Read more, Sun in Pisces February 22 through March 20 There are probably other lineages with varying degree ranges, such as Arcturian, Sirian, etc… but I do … That’s the hallmark of fear, war and the hell on earth we’re no experiencing. In the Seal’s two-dimensional design is represented the form of the tetrahedron and the vibrational frequencies whereby all polar forces resolve and new form is birthed. Sirians had highly developed technology. -Bruce Steffek I wear a quartz crystal at my throat chakra, it’s called a magicians stone. Through the holy triangle I learned this principle of cosmic consciousness: don’t beg for (yin, right side of the triangle) nor demand (yang, left side of the triangle) love and confirmation from others, just be the love you already are and you will be at peace (cosmos, the middle of the triangle, defining the top and the balance point between yin and yang).