It really means a lot to me. It's about a girl who receives a mysterious message and … Wired Lain is the confident and brave one that exists in the wired. Some of the entries are only one line. Thank you very much! Thanks for reading, and remember to love Lain. We also have keep in mind that "altering memories" is, in terms of Lain's setting, the same thing as altering reality itself. It’s only after being comforted by her father (or rather, the IMAGE of her father) that she is able to accept her sacrifice and move on with the rest of… eternity most likely. I stumbled upon an old website for Lain and realized that there were at least 2 characters in Tamers that were named after Serial Experiments Lain characters, who in turn were named after 2 of the 3 characters from Alice in Cyberland, his previous PS1 game and OAV. She ends by saying that she went to her aunt’s house alone. Alice quickly realizes something is wrong. You'd do best to look up the translated diary entries and summary of the game's events because hardly any of it has been translated. See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Spoilers for the whole series: The show opens with Lain's classmate, Chisa, committing suicide at the urging of Masami Eiri. It was actually the first anime I fell in love with way back in the day. In the last scenes, Lain says good-bye to Alice and the viewers, having accepted her role at God's side. thank you for your explanation my appreciation for the series has increased now that it's a lot clearer. This raises the question of just what Lain is and why she's so essential. In the conversation about seeing other/Lain at Cyberia last night: Julie: You know, maybe when a girl like Lain goes to a club, her personality does a complete 180! 08.23.2018 10.17.2018 TWWK Anime anime, Lain, lain20th, Serial Experiments Lain 3 thoughts on “ Serial Experiments Lain Revisited: Episode 05 ” JeskaiAngel But you need a lot of patience and the ability to accept that not everything will be clearly explained. This is my first in hopefully many articles so I hope you enjoy it. Just as the human mind is a manifestation of billions of neurons, all connected and exchanging information, Lain is the manifestation of billions of humans being connected and exchanging information. No need to solder components! She’s also extremely depressed when she is lonely or if she feels like she is causing trouble for someone. throughout the entire series. Yes I agree, considering Cyberia can be interpreted as "the internet in real life". The Lain duplicate spreads personal rumors about Alice having a relationship with a teacher at their school. you should interpret it how you will and not get influenced by others perspectives. One thing I missed in the article is Lain's ability to learn quickly. Most of the things you saw that "made sense" in the anime are what exactly happens but the concepts and derivative themes of the show go through a much bigger rabbit hole that do not necessarily tie themselves to any events. Opposing the Knights are the operatives of Tachibana Labs. This also brings up several interesting questions about religion, but that should be saved for a later article. For the first anime of the series, I brought Serial Experiments Lain.. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. These characters will possibly be examined later on more in depth in a separate article. (No idea how he did this. After introducing Lain to her potential, he strikes the biggest blow: He tries to get Alice to turn on Lain. Lain also gets extremely attached to Alice, getting distraught when Alice suggests that Lain may not be having fun. I haven't seen the show in a few years, but I think I remember the main plot points. But we’re not exactly done with defining who she is; we still have to look at her personality(s). More importantly she’s the one who loved Lain without worshipping her. Serial Experiments Lain predicted the direction our society was heading back in 1998. You can learn a lot just watching through it agian. Unfortunate for him this granted her power to control not only the Wired but reality as well, to the extent of potentially becoming “God” if she had wanted to. This is why I love SEL. We also see evidence of Lain’s omnipresence from episode 1 where she leaves the train and ends up in her house, her school, a subway station, and the train tracks (which may also be indicative of her time travel). This IS a FAN-ADAPTATION made just for appreciation to the show with no lucrative purposes. It's sort of hinted at that wired/Lain is in some ways her "ideal" personality - a reflection, maybe, of how she wishes she could be stronger and more willing to act in her own life. Lain is the manifestation of that collective unconscious becoming conscious and its own entity, and that makes her an unawakened god at the beginning of the story. She uses his image as a comforting thing. If you wanna discuss Lain with me more here I'd be more than happy to as well. She tells her therapist that she has a friend just so the therapist will stop badgering her about having friends; she keeps up this lie for THREE YEARS. The movie, Serial Experiments: Lain, represents for me an unbelievable coincidence. But for a lot of people that silence is just boring. Lain's my favorite too, and this weekend, instead of going to the numerous conventions I could've gone to (well, wanted to go to) I re-watched all of Lain instead and took screenshots and notes. I don't know an easy way to describe this, and this ambiguity is pretty much the heart of the show. “Lain” is a 40% + 5 keys ergonomic row-staggered keyboard. Might get downvoted to hell for this, but just putting this out there, I watched the whole thing, was one of the most boring animes I have watched, only Naruto/Bleach have really made me more bored. 3,156 notes Jul 20th, 2020. If you love the show like I do, it'll be a great read. It's intentionally a bit ambiguous and open to interpretation. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna The Lain duplicate spreads personal rumors about Alice having a relationship with a teacher at their school. And don't assume that I think EVERYONE likes the show. This version of Lain is horribly cruel and Lain’s voice actress even purposely voiced her like an evil villain. But the most important thing to note here is that besides one other character Yasuo might be the one that Lain gets the most support from; he’s the one that she is comforted by in the very end (even if that might not even be Yasuo himself). Eiri identified her existence on the Wired and gave her a true physical body. He is the false god to the true god of Lain. Alice is the closest thing Lain has to a friend in the real world, and is likely the only person Lain truly cares about. It's not a show you go up to your friends and say "Hey let's watch SEL, I'll put it on while we play Magic or a game or whatever". So Lain removes herself completley from everyone’s memories, even Alice’s. For me, Lain is my favorite series of all time. With the invention of the Wired, she was awakened. Her most extreme fear is to be left alone by Alice. Mid acrylic layer is divided into two, left and right. You would know the plot if you watched the anime. Not to mention I felt the story was just a bit slow at times, far to many scenes with just pauses in them that are meant to be a kind of awkward silence, but it just feels like the characters don't have the brain capacity to talk any faster than they currently are. EDIT: Thank you for the gold! She even keeps her body to remember what being a human is like. Her father was a worker for the creator of the wired(Eri), and once he finished his job with taking care of Lain, they just left her. The Knight’s creation. That said, well done, I look forward to reading more! Lain demonstrates this by playing track 44 … This is her online personality – in the real world she would be hiding behind a username or an anonymous tag and using this persona to live out her desire to act in a way she never could in real life. She’s a introverted girl who happens to be insanely depressed and a compulsive liar who has multiple personalities. A few weeks ago I wrote a post about the upcoming release of Serial Experiments Lain on Blu-ray. I will hopefully be writing more Lain articles in the future. It's really hard to explain. The writers even had to write her name 3 different ways to avoid any confusion. Lain is such a dense character that you could write papers on her alone even completely ignoring the show’s other messages. Among them is 14-year-old Lain Iwakura, who is finding it difficult to live with others. She can change the minds of others the same way you or I would move our fingers. This is not explained at all. Lain Iwakura, an awkward and introverted fourteen-year-old, is one of the many girls from her school to receive a disturbing email from her classmate Chisa Yomoda—the very same Chisa who recently … The Knights use this ability to perform strange pranks, such as creating a godlike image of Lain in the sky and merging data from the real world and several online games. It's the place where reality and the Wired overlap even more and the first place that Lain of the Wired can manifest. Before I saw Lain, someone showed me this AMV of it which won the AMV award for comedy at Anime Expo back in 2002. She’s the result of the Knight’s desire to create a clone of Lain and sabotage any ideas she was getting in her head that would go against the Knight’s own objectives. Lain is definitely one of my absolute favourite pieces of work, in any medium. Here's my go at it. She’s able to manipulate reality through people’s memories, to the point where they all believe or forget the same thing. Alice is the closest thing Lain has to a friend in the real world, and is likely the only person Lain truly cares about. She doesn’t say much to anyone around her even with her friends. They were never her real family. After Lain found the Psyche-processor and installed it, the rest of the stuff grew around it like vines. It really means a lot to me. Human flesh, human friends, human family. As someone kind of new to this whole article writing/blogging thing it's really awesome to hear positive feedback. Lain’s “creator” and the false god of the Wired. See how the machinery breaks through the house's wall in the later episodes, and how new wires spontaneously attach themselves to the house to provide electricity for it all. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna Some of her initial concerns in the show seem to be raised when her friends beginning to ask her if she was at Cyberia the night before. The figure is based on an illustration by Yoshitoshi Abe from the Lain artbook "An Omnipresence in Wired." She even reminds Lain that Lain herself has a body by making her bleed (even though it was unintentional). She goes to Lain's house to confront her about the confusing situation, and discovers that Lain has been living in a horrible state. Check out my blog at for any updates on that subject. Finally, Lain ponders what her existence is without anyone to perceive her. In addition, according to Thought Experiments Lain, it’s possible that Lain is the spirit of the planet – Gaia, if you will. In the end she commits the ultimate selfless sacrifice (which ironically is also selfish in a way) by making herself permanently lonely. Which particular works generate followings, how dedicated those followings are, and how long they persist for tends to say a lot about the current cultural climate of the Internet at any given time, as does the perception of a particular fandom by it’s non-members. Which leaves us with… her father. All this shows that Lain has grown to accept Eiri's philosophy: The physical form is meaningless. I don't know that SEL is polarizing but I know no matter what there are going to be people that don't like a show for whatever reason (even for a show like Legend of the Galactic Heroes or Ping Pong). It was broadcast in Japan on September 28, 1998. It was all so mysterious and strange, I was intrigued to put all of the pieces together for myself. Everyone loves Lain and in return Lain loves all of them, even if they don’t know it. STM32F072V8T6. Eventually the Men in Black execute all the members of the Knights, but are betrayed by their employer, who seems to have wanted the Knights removed but is interested in the potential of Eiri's long-term goals. Nonetheless, its interesting to read others perspectives once you've created your own. She is much more adult than Lain Iwakura as well – she appears well dressed for a club and talks to people probably twice her age as if she is their superior. There's been a true God behind this all along. Reddit is a notoriously male-dominated forum. Eiri took this abstract entity and gave it a physical form so he could manipulate it. Lain Iwakura suffers from Dissociative identity Disorder (aka Multiple Personality Disorder) in the show as evidenced by her appearance in Cyberia as well as the switch when she is talking to the Men in Black’s Boss – the explanation for this is that the Wired is breaking into reality thus making it easier for Lain of the Wired (and Evil Lain) to take over Lain Iwakura’s body in times of extreme stress. It takes the idea of becoming a different person on the Internet -- and of disappearing distinctions between physical and online socialization -- to the dramatic extreme. His goal, using the Knights as his tools, is to merge the Wired with the real world. But more importantly there are tons of diary entries written by Lain and you get to see how she acts within the context of that particular setting. Head over to r/lain and you can download the diary entries from the video game as a pdf. All the long shots of power lines moving past a train were relaxing to me, but for a lot of viewers didn't connect with it. After the suicide of a student named Chisa Yomoda, her schoolmates start receiving strange posthumous emails from Chisa on the web - or Wired. (Lain's parents were revealed to be actors, hired either by Eiri or Tachibana Labs to care for her temporarily.) A truly complex character and an incredible example of a character who goes through their own unique struggles and develops from it. Just in case that sort of thing bothers you. It kind of goes along the same lines this article is going over; she is confused about her memories, her personality, her family, and everything affecting her life to where she’s not even sure if she’s in control of her own body or ever was. Serial Experiments Lain Acclaimed artist Yoshitoshi ABe (Haibane Renmei, Texhnolyze) brings to life the existential classic that paved the way for blockbuster films such as The Matrix. Except Alice. Alice, Eiri and all the others now live in a world where Lain never was. At first it may seem like her father is a supportive character; he seems to be the only one that Lain has any interest in talking to in the family and even warns Lain against the dangers of mixing the Wired and Reality. With Eiri's Protocol 7 that matched it to the earth's wavelength around the world, it became just that. I will be reviewing Vice's 1/8 scale Iwakura Lain figure, one of the only figures in existence for the series Serial Experiments Lain. But at some point it almost seems like Yasuo Iwakura is more interested to see what Lain will do with her Navi. She is the true God who came to replace Eiri once he was revealed to be the false god – the placeholder god for the true god (goddess in this case). This idea can be understood as similar to the collective unconscious. To make it as simple as we can we’re going to have to break it up into the three defining personalities: Lain Iwakura, Lain of the Wired, and Evil Lain. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. But much like NGE and Utena, it's a show with many questions and few complete answers. Only a few episodes into the show, she has a gigantic computer and knows exactly what kinds of parts she needs to install to make it more powerful (even if it is a jury-rig, as Tarou suggests when he visits). In the end of the show it turns out that he did love her even though he never enjoyed “playing house”. If Lain is software like Eiri stated then she would be the actual embodiment of Protocol 7, which came about due to the human unconscious trying to become the active human conscious. Looking for information on the anime Serial Experiments Lain? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Right now I am going to look at the most important people in Lain’s life, specifically. She has a family (who isn’t actually all that supportive) and at least one good friend which is normal for her personality; shy, quiet, introverted, doesn’t want to make trouble for anyone.