When I lifted my plant from its decorative container I saw that my snake plant was angling for a repotting. You can also make your own potting mix by combining regular soil with other ingredients like sand and perlite. Give your plant the basic needs that we will discuss in this section, and watch it thrive and grow dark green and healthy leaves through time. After care is necessary to let the plant settle nicely, and avoid transplant shock. Snake plant leaves splitting due to physical damage and overwatering. Take your to-be repotted Snake Plant and grasp the leaves gently with one hand, and with the other tug at the plastic or ceramic pot. This is specifically bad for snake plants, because they prefer loose uncompressed soil. You need to move your snake plant to a 1-2″ larger pot while repotting them. Here's the repotting of 2 Snake Plants. After that 24 hours has passed, you’re free to take your snake plant leaf cuttings and add them to your new pot with the homemade potting mix. How to choose a perfect pot for your snake plant? Grow Real Ones. Snake Plant Care Pick Your Sansevieria Want more updates? If you need to buy them, consider using these biodegradable pots. Soil. Fill the potting mix mostly to the top of the pot, leaving ¾ inches of space under the pot’s rim. Repotting Snake Plants: When Why And How To Repot Snake Plant April 2019 n this article we address how to repot snake plant that are in a small pot, When would I know how to do repotting and why it is necessary. Don’t water the plant right after repotting, especially if you have already moistened the soil before removing it from the old pot. Vintage-cover posters, coffee mugs, jigsaw puzzles, tote bags, and more. You can even repot the parent plant and pups after 24 hours if you don’t have time to wait for 5-6 working days. For best results, always start with a healthy snake plant. Each baby plant will need its own pot sized about 4″ in diameter. When the roots are crowded inside the soil, it makes the soil dense and difficult to drain water. Copyright © 2021 Sunset Publishing Corporation. Make sure that the container has at least one bottom drainage hole. Snake plants (Sansevieria trifasciata), also called mother-in-law's tongue, have green upright leaves with white or cream variegation. If it doesn't slide off, squeeze gently all around the pot to loosen the soil and roots and pull the pot off. SUNSET is a registered trademark This is true for most varieties of Sansevieria. (And do something with your hands while you're at it). Wait for a few days until the soil gets dry. Here’s a list of some good indicators that your plant is suffering from insufficient space: If you notice any of these signs in your plant, you’ll know it’s definitely time to move it into something more spacious. Repotting. As I was snipping away my little babies for their new homes and making my way toward the mom plant, I found something I wasn’t expecting: the plastic basket that originally contained the plant at the propagation house (the nursery where it was likely first born as a cutting before making its way to IKEA). When mine start to bust out of their pot is when I repot. This can lead to stunted growth and curled or even cracked leaves. Finally, some plants, such as bromeliads, will almost never need to be repotted. Repotting will make the plant look tidier. of Sunset Publishing Corporation. Therefore, it is important to repot your snake plants periodically. Over time, your plant grows and becomes too big for it’s pot or container. There are numerous types of mother-in-law’s-tongue, but all of them share the same necessities to grow domestically. The roots are peeping through the drainage holes of the pot. Pruners or shears – If you want to divide the plant, garden shears, pruners or a knife is necessary to cut the roots and rhizomes. Avoid fertilizing your plants right away. I will do so in the next few days. It’s good to invest in a pot with a stand, tray or drainage saucer. Sansevieria Laurentii is a bigger snake plant that needs repotting every 2-3 years. Cloth, mesh tape, marbles, gravel or pebbles – to put on the drainage holes in a pot, so that soil doesn’t escape from the holes. Roots are showing up on the surface of your container. Snake plants can go up to two years before you need to repot them again. Blog Posts Dividing and rooting Snake Plant in soil Repotting a Snake Plant (Mother In Law’s Tongue) Viper’s […] When this happens, the plant can be uncomfortable and in distress. However if needed, repotting can be done at any time of year. Although snake plants like to get slightly root bound, they can overgrow their containers and require transplanting. Many snake plants grow rather tall, so consider the depth of the pot as well. Repotting Snake Plants: When Why And How To Repot Snake Plant April 2019 n this article we address how to repot snake plant that are in a small pot, When would I know how to do repotting and why it is necessary. — but I had no idea what I was in for until I started peeling back the layers. Meanwhile, just make sure that your plants look healthy in their pots. Now I hesitated and like to hear 2nd opinion here. How to divide Sansevieria or Snake Plant. Although snake plants … Dec 2, 2019 - n this article we address how to repot snake plant that are in a small pot, When would I know how to do repotting and why it is necessary. A handful of compost or manure can be added to enrich the soil with extra nutrients and microbes. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, – In the new pot, your plant can grow freely. In my case, it wasn’t until rain was in the forecast and I decided to take all my houseplants outside for a … Lay the parent plant along with all the pups in a dry place out of direct sunlight. Leaf Pups. Choose a pot that is just big enough to hold the root ball of the plant. Particularly, plastic containers are prone to bulge if there is no space for the roots inside. They need little water to survive, and it’s really easy to overwater them. Snake Plants, aka Sansevierias or Mother In Law Tongues, are diehard houseplants. Additionally, factors like extreme temperature, boron deficiency, and the presence of pests can cause snake plant leaves to split. March 16, 2020 Dec 2, 2019 - n this article we address how to repot snake plant that are in a small pot, When would I know how to do repotting and why it is necessary. Spider Plant Propagation. The white part of the pup is where the soil level sits, and the orange part — the rhizome — is the underground portions of stem that produces roots. First, I got a 10" pot (plastic) of 20+ snake plants (about 10" to 30" tall, half are 25+"). Garden trowel – for digging and scooping up the soil. Stuck at home? Loose, free-draining soil is a must for snake plants, as they prefer to be on a dry side. Whatever variety of Sansevieria (also called Mother in law’s tongue or snake plant) you have, there will come a time when it will overgrow it’s container. This will help to remove the excess water and allow smooth drainage. Likewise, if your soil is too compact, you can mix in some sand or perlite to make it more breathable. And, it's best not to repot houseplants in winter because the plants are resting. Leave them for about 5-6 days before repotting them. The foliage looks like it’s stuck in the pot. You can propagate it by dividing into two or more pieces, and have new plants. As a general rule, I repot mine every 3-6 years depending on the size of the pot it's growing in & the size of the plant itself. Nearly the moment I got this $7 buddy home from IKEA last summer, it began producing these little spike-babies. Mother in law’s tongue grows well in a ready-to-use, soilless potting mix made for tropical plants. If the new container is too shallow, the plant will get top-heavy and might tip over. Potting mix for snake plants must be porous and fast-draining. Repotting a snake plant is easy if you follow these simple step-by-step instructions. Then b4 re-potting, I read that snake plants love to bound their roots so small, tight pot is good. However, potted plants don’t have much space to spread both underground as well as through the foliage. They need little water... Tools. The baby plants will need their own homes now and a chance to grow a full root system. It also allows the roots to grow freely, which ultimately makes the plant stronger and more resistant. You really want to make sure you are left with some of the rhizome and … You can put them in bright but indirect sunlight. Depending on how and where you keep them, you may or may not need to repot your snake plant often. Explore. If it well and truly stuck, use your box cutter to carefully cut the plastic pot. That’s because they grow fastest in these conditions. It’s a really easy and fun project to make your plants happy! Loose, free-draining soil is a must for snake plants, as they prefer to be on a dry side. All the snake plant pups I’d been trimming away had squeezed between the slits of the basket, and the mom plant was strangling in the center, bulging the basket with her root strength! Because the plant is big, it might receive insufficient nutrients and moisture from the soil mix. Because the plant looks so great. Although some varieties of Sanseviera grow tall instead of wide, many have the ability to develop horizontally. share. Take your sharp clean blade and cut just about in the middle of the rhizome. You’ll need to repot your plant every few years, and definitely repot it if roots are coming through the drainage holes or if the roots have cracked the pot. The main advantage of transplanting your snake plants is to promote a healthy growth. Especially, snake plants that grow outdoors in favorable weather conditions can multiply wildly. For example: If your snake plant is potted in a 6″ pot, move them to a 7-8″ pot. So, after every few years they need to be transferred to a new bigger container. This is the one downside to snake plants: if you have a dog or cat, be warned that according to the ASPCA, they are toxic to dogs and cats. Here are a few tips on taking care of your snake plant after repotting. You can mix in a cacti and succulents potting mix in garden soil. Growing Plantlets from Spider Plants. Dividing these aloe vera pups & repotting them is an easy way to get more plants for free. And increase the pot diameter by 1-1.5 inches every time you repot it (usually every 2-3 years). Apart from a pot and soil, you might need some equipment such as: Now that you are well prepared, let’s see how to transfer a plant to its new home. And the plant doesn’t come out of the pot easily. Snake plants are so easy to grow, and so forgiving, that I didn’t see the signs that the plant might needed repotting. Just make sure that the soil mixture provides good drainage. And sometimes the foliage might seem to be suffering due to the edges of the container. After watering, let the soil drain out all the excess water. It can be hard out there for a baby pup! Snake plants are slow growers and they are also OK with being somewhat rootbound. But, in less well-lit areas, you may never or rarely need to repot them. The best time to fertilize your snake plant is during the warmer days, such as during the spring and summer because, during that period, snake plants need to get extra healthy food. I carefully snipped this basket off with scissors and gently teased it off the roots, then repotted the mom in fresh soil. Lawn And Garden. One of my very early posts on this blog was about starting a bunch of plant cuttings in fall/winter, including my first attempt to propagate a snake plant. Allow the roots to develop for at least a month. Repotting. Repotting Aloe Vera Pups. Now that we’re easing into spring (and many of us are more housebound than usual), it’s a good time to take a look at your houseplants and decide which ones are ready for a little roomier digs. If you think your snake plant is due for repotting, this post will help you understand why and how to do it properly. Sansevieria is a popular house plant also known as Snake Plant or the politically incorrect ‘Mother in … This will give your plant some time to adjust in it’s new home. Clay or terracotta pots are forming cracks. Plants will show signs when it’s growth is stunted. Let’s start with this cylindrical snake plant (Sansevieria bacularis ‘Mikado’). Old and dense soil. If you put the fertilizer too soon, it might burn the roots. Click here for an in-depth guide on repotting a snake plant. Repotting preparation Pot. I hope you find this article helpful to understand the necessity and step-by-step procedure for repotting your snake plant. Sansevieria are not overly expensive house plants to buy as full adult pots, and they’re pretty resistant to whatever bad behaviors you throw at them — plus they’re near the top of NASA’s list of “air purifying house plants… Should I repot my snake plant (growing 2 pups) now or wait? Pot these pups in fresh soil, packing the soil up to where the white part of the stem turns green. Repotting. Repotting a plant will make it look tidier. Another benefit of repotting is you get to replace the soil. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Their rhizomes (underground stems that spread horizontally) play a key role in the proliferation. Your outdoor snake plant will need repotting to promote healthy plant growth. Mother-in-law plants contains saponins which protects it from bugs and fungi, but this can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in our four-legged furry friends. Get fresh recipes, wine pairings, weekend getaway ideas, regional gardening tips, home design inspiration, and more.