share. She had her first baby (to spite him) when she was 16 years old. Somehow the blamed me, saying it was wrong to report him, and refused to talk to me. And just for the record, too many parents claim their child never told them of the problems. You'd never know. Thank you and your parents for your AWESOMENESS! No advice because, like you, I could never disown my child. So a lot of anti-child people could change their tune as well. My grandmother (may that bitch rot in hell) found out. I know therapy is sort of a catch-all, but seriously, I think it would really help. Not a single word in 20 years. So, Reddit, my question is to you who have "Disowned" children why and do you ever think of them? sounds more to me like he is trying to get the good son away from the shitheads, in such a way that the shitheads wont try to latch onto him, and will instead stay latched to the old man who would rather take the shit on himself. There was no formal lease since she was a minor and her mother didn't particularly want her the luxury of living with her grandmother if she refused to be an obedient, grateful daughter and accept her new husbands generous offer to house her. Your father has some serious issues, regardless of his success or wealth. /r/Parenting is the place to discuss the ins and out as well as ups and downs of child-rearing. the only scenario i could imagine is that he didnt want a child in the first place. You are your parents are special. Curious as to what is in the mind of people who disown their children. I personally don't think my father ever thinks or cares about me, I mean after 20 years of not a single word I find it hard to believe he ever cared at all but I often still wonder. I refuse to be taken advantage of, but my wife continues to be played by him when I am not there to intervene. We haven't seen each other in 10+ years. Rejected parents have few places to turn. You have to wonder what the hell is wrong with a woman when she thinks her daughter being molested by her husband is instead her daughter seducing said husband. She was a minor at the time so her mother waited to do paperwork until her 18th birthday. hide. Do you ever regret it? i kinda think the reason he doesnt talk to you is so you dont talk to him so both of you dont have any connection at all so he doesnt have to share his wealth?! You need to realize that your actions did not cause this, and relieve yourself of any guilt. Today's Video: Parents who disowned/stopped speaking to your child, story? My father refused to give her money because she met a deadbeat child predator, … The grown children may feel they can't talk to their parents because of negative and heated exchanges in the past. In the time since he told me to lose the number I've traveled the world, dined with royalty, earned two degrees, got married and had 5 children, never a word never so much as an email or a text message just nothing. Maybe that's how he thinks too. He went to prison before I was born and I wasn’t even aware of his existence until I was 20 when he was released from his prison sentence due to a terminal cancer diagnosis and given 6 months to live. If parents are full of joy, love, and enthusiasm for their faith and community, their children will pick-up on that as well. Sadly, adult children who disown their parents are only abusing themselves and making their own lives worse. Your parents are utterly selfless and lovely. Jesus that's awful. I am sorry for what has happened to you, but I have tremendous respect for what you have become. You can get advice on potty training, talk about breastfeeding, discuss how to get your baby to … What's driving the increase in parent-child estrangement? My aunt got disowned because she married a drug addict, whom my grandparents thought was a gold digger too. But friendly parent-child relationships were important, too. Nonetheless, I do agree that the grown children need to tell their parents … I'm not a parent, I've never disowned a child. Boys who perceived their parents as more trusting were less likely to use alcohol (Borawski et al 2003). your mum and dad rock for doing that. That this is something that only “bad families” could do. I would read a book that narrates this story. A little late to the party, … You can get advice on potty training, talk about breastfeeding, discuss how to get your baby to sleep or ask if that one weird thing your kid does is normal. I thought of posting this to r/askreddit but it seems to be down, other than that I am not really sure where else to post to get decent answers. Your troubles and problems growing up have made you into the person you are now. I hope the family you chose and created is showering you with all the love and affection you deserve and were robbed of as a child. Most of the family then … A recent thread on Reddit asked kids of porn stars to reveal how they found out about what their folks did for a living — and what they thought. However, my father estranged himself from me when I was in my mid20s, and I've had to chalk it up to a couple factors: a) his ego could not handle my individuation that came with adulthood; b) he entered into a marriage with a woman who really poisoned him to me because I didn't conform to what she wanted. Honestly, I don't know how he reconciles it but I'm sure he must have a litany of rationalizations that make it okay. Of course it does. But yes, she did get into culinary school on some scholarships, but not that particular one. I have a relative who disowned one of his children out of pure senility. I haven't talked to him since. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Telling others your adult child only comes around when he or she needs something, or refuses to see you at all can be embarrassing. Report comments that violate these rules. I'm not perfect, but I'm probably the rarity that does love her children and struggled through to make the best for them. It was an ignorant and childish prank. The issues clearly lie with him, not you or your actions. Parents who have 'disowned' their children. 6 years ago. My dad temporarily (for about 2 years) had disowned me for filing a police report against him. Quality New Reddit Posts Everyday! But I do agree, people who hate children, without an underlying fear of being a shit parent (in my case, I didnt want to be like my mother) may harbor some resentment toward their children. however, if my children repeatedly offend unapologetically, I would cut them off. I ran away at 15, got drunk and prank called him he hasn't spoken a single word to me since. I ran away at 15, got drunk and prank called him he hasn't spoken a single word to me since. Definitive answers may be elusive, but it's fairly easy to get a feel for some of the issues. PHRAE — Some hardline monarchy supporters are praising a businesswoman who called for parents to disown their children if they attended pro-democracy protests. Papers aren't filed, and no judge hears the case, but more and more adult children are divorcing their parents, often completely cutting off contact. Chris Jewell’s parents disowned him after finding out he was gay, but he is not alone in his story of parental rejection . The poor girl had to pay rent to live with her grandmother and was routinely locked out of the house her junior and senior year. Since he is not my biological child, I have found it easier to dismiss him. Our sexuality, at least in its present form, will not last into eternity, where Jesus says there will be no giving or receiving in marriage. Its because our mom and dad saw us as their children, and we are a part of their family. The fact that you can't imagine it is proof that you aren't like the type of person that would do such a thing. A lot of judgment in this thread which will deter people from posting. They are my real parents. By Laura Slauson | Last updated June 19, 2020 Grown children who ignore their parents can provoke a great deal of emotional distress and even physical health problems in elder loved ones. Few parents have heard about transgender issues, and some react so strongly to their child's gender nonconformity that they force their child to leave home. Sounds like you are already a pretty lucky guy. He was terrible at being a father, and he failed you when he walked out of your life. Maybe the people over at r/raisedbynarcissists could help you out some? I just wanted to say I'm sorry you were dealt such a shitty, terrible father. So he disowns his only trustworthy son and not the two theives. However, it is now LESS COMMON and RIGOROUSLY PROSECUTED once discovered in western countries. I really hope that you stop trying to understand his twisted way of thinking, or blaming yourself, or thinking how things may have need peace, and the only way you can get that is to realize that his thinking, his whole mentality is fucked up beyond what you or I could even comprehend. However, his father is incapable of responsibility, and therefore excuses it in his son. If one of my children literally shot me in the face, tried to murder me I still couldn't do it. My parents disowned my oldest sister. Abandoned parents may feel shame yet have little control over the situation. My father called my mothers phone back immediately, knowing it was me, and said the last words I would ever hear him speak "Lose the number boy". The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I've never met the lady who gave birth to me, and when I do, I will thank her for giving me the gift of such a wonderful family to love me. The guy started beating her up after they got married and he found that she won't be inheriting anything. My father had become a very successful businessman he is a millionaire several times over. This is not the case in developing countries, as the recent controversies in India demonstrates. I suffered a lot of guilt unnecessarily. 5. share. Many parents want to show off their children, have high expectations, may be firm at times (such as when a child is behaving destructively), and desire their offspring to make them proud. From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. Question: I am a mother of a child who doesn’t speak … Reasons for conflicts with adult children vary. My cousins constantly forget that we are adopted. That being said, my two biological children are wonderful kids. He's a stranger to me now and I kind of feel like my real father died. Beyond these observations it’s best to allow yourself to grieve the unspeakable loss of your children while doing the best you can to minimize that loss. My father was a horrible parent, he did everything wrong. I have two biological children and 1 step son. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. He was unplanned after I was told I couldn't get pregnant. You have me in tears! My grandfather told her that she would be cut off from the family if she ever married him, and she went ahead and did it anyway. He's since disowned her as well for reasons I still don't really know. Another of his sons went to jail for investment fraud. Granted, they are significantly younger, and have yet to reach that age. That was in 1995. No loss there. He sounds like a horrible hateful evil man. I'm not a hateful man, but I fucking hate these two, my grandmother and her husband. He was a terrible father in more ways than I can count but I still love(d) him. You and your parents are good people. Adult children who had cut off a parent generally wrote about all the bad things their parent had done to them and how the parent would never admit to any of it. However, still to this day the kind of abuse that JenbGood1's grandmother experienced is commonplace in rural parts of Thailand, Cambodia, Africa, and South America. Id not hesitate to die for either of my children. This thread is archived. I'm a mother of two and was anti-child at first. I agree with you wholeheartedly. My grandmother was disowned by her mother. By disowning the son he is effectively cutting off the bullshit that would ensue if further legal drama blows up... rather than dragging the son into the muddy water. How a parent behaves in their faith is more important than what they tell their children about their faith. Parents of Reddit have revealed the reasons that they have grown to dislike and even hate their own children in shocking confessions. Some ad… Parents who have disowned or genuinely stopped loving your child - what happened?r/askreddit It's nothing you did. The only reason I can think of is that because the mother feels so weak and can't help, she unconsciously chooses to accept the fact and she supports the father to enforce that idea in her head. He had taken out a $40,000 loan in my name without my knowledge, and I had to report it to the police and get it in writing in order to get it off my credit report. I did fail as a mother and I have accepted that. I disowned my son. Why? I have all but disowned the step son. I just can't understand it. You have an impressive resume of accomplishments that can not be taken away. From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. Sad part was, he was right. I was very angry at him for being such a horrible father and we were just being stupid kids and we made the call.