Somewhere along the line were these spirits, indifferent perhaps, and possibly neutral in the war. Throughout the church's history, over one million missionaries have been sent on missions.[3][4]. Dr. Tony Nugent, retired professor of religious studies, has compiled a list of twelve teachings that Mormons tend to downplay. All religions must evolve to survive and prosper. I was fluent in 2 of the 800+ languages, now a days not so much. I don’t think anyone knows as much as we would like to believe we do. I know. The music, worship, praise. Okay, So we all agree that Mormonism is bat shit crazy. Even an evil encounter can bring one closer to God. To intermarry with a Negro is to forfeit a “Nation of Priesthood holders. The Book of Mormon contains 55 Separate voices in it, none of them are Joseph Smiths way of writing not his scribe or even his wife. It is commonly taught that the higher education a LDS member achieves the more likely they are to stay in that religion but I wonder if that is only because of the influence of BYU. I find it despicable, and totally unforgivable. Phineas Young received a Book of Mormon from Samuel Smith and became an early member of the church. By that I mean, you cannot make Christian claims that were not even around before Christianity. Atheistism is a religion, I mean have you ever seen a more dogmatic group of like minded followers? When I considered myself Mormon I would get upset about these exmos, too, at times. Were you trying to reply to another commenter? The thing is, ” he said this”. Remember the little statement that we used to say about sin, ‘First we pity, then endure, then embrace’. THE MORE I STUDY THEIR RELIGION THE MORE I HAVE TO WONDER HOW ANY EVEN SEMI-RATIONAL PERSON CAN BELIEVE SUCH UTTER NONSENSE! This stance led to perjury by LDS President Joseph Fielding Smith and others during the Reed Smoot Congressional Hearings of 1904-7. It is the Lord’s doing, is based on his eternal laws of justice, and grows out of the lack of Spiritual valiance of those concerned in their first estate.” (Mormon Doctrine, 1966, pp. [38] The extent of those consolidation plans is yet to be announced. Like the Bible says, “line upon line, precept upon precept”. This allows them to provide services and aid in countries where activities by religious organizations are typically restricted or forbidden, such as in predominantly Muslim countries or in Southeast Asia. When the Lord chose the nations to which the spirits were to come, determining that some would be Japanese and some would be Chinese and some Negroes and some Americans, He engaged in an act of segregation. Prior to 2013 the official doctrine of the church was that a dark skin was a sign of god’s curse, while a white skin a sign of his blessing. It cannot be looked upon as just that they should be deprived of the power of the Priesthood without it being a punishment for some act, or acts, performed before they were born.” The Way to Perfection, page 43. Religions are like the wind, they blow hot and cold as they please; so as the wind blows we find discrimination, killings, wars, assassinations, the inquisition, the crusades, genocide of indigenous peoples, drone assassinations, agent orange, napalm, stuxnet, the nuclear bomb, Trump, etc. In 200 of 407 mission areas, missionary work was performed mainly from their apartments using technology. And African-Americans didn’t get the priesthood for awhile because, just like every religion, the members aren’t perfect; they were some racists. Lets be fair to eachother, nobody’s perfect. Here we have a prophecy like a riddle, the answer to which is, of course, Joseph Smith, Jr. and Sr. Not satisfied to have this prophecy of himself and his father only in the BoM, Smith goes further by adding nearly-identical verses to the text of the Bible. Mark Twain published some works under a fake name to see if it was his work or his name that sold the books. I stopped attending church in my early teens. I’d suggest reaching out to Ex-Mormons for Jesus in Orange, CA.. Where do Mormons believe God lived as a man? The only problem I find with your arguments is that they are not central parts to the LDS religion and aren’t discrediting any information that Mormon’s believe are “central to salvation.” Therefore there is no proof against the central doctrine of the Church and/or what its members stand for. As for racism and polygamy, the point is the LDS church did teach this at the beginning, and did state it was God’s word, will, and etc., all based on biblical interpretation. I’m glad you have found peace outside organized religion. its only turns to hell when our spirits cant choose their own path. Cain might have been killed, and that would have put a termination to that line of human beings. I am not being tricked into being a Mormon. Dr. Nugent calls each of these beliefs “questionable.” A quick read suggest they also are far from mainstream. Our heavenly father is forgiving and no matter how bad you mess up, if you feel sorry and ask for forgiveness he will grant it. . The fact that you think Mormon religion will them to hell for them believing different than you tells me that you are as wrong as Mormons. When asked, Mormons will take offense. [19]:20 In the event of an emergency, family members of a missionary may contact him or her via the mission president's office. The Apostle Paul said, “But even if we (apostles) or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!” (sound familiar?) But I think most Mormons earnestly believe what they say they believe. of Chicago), a work whose “explanations [of the facsimiles] are completely wrong” (Richard A. Parker, Brown Univ. "[12] Apart from general issues of worthiness and ability, there are a number of specific situations that will disqualify a person from becoming a full-time missionary for the LDS Church. Every Mormon knows that each day Mitt opens his day on the phone with the Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, in prayer and instruction! There’s no need for me to repeat the information in the article, history is history, facts are facts. The LDS Church is one of the most active modern practitioners of missionary work, reporting that it had more than 67,000 full-time missionaries and 31,000 service missionaries worldwide at the end of 2019. How long is that race to endure the dreadful curse that is upon them? I hope it is your’s as well. its to real to call reality, its too crazy to call crazy. Reflect my own attitudes in the past. I love how you show your beliefs, but religion isn’t there just to raise your morals. Pingback: The Resolutions I’m Not Breaking | The Blog I'm Not Writing, well..this is very very super very good what I have read……first of all thank you…SO MUCH….I was raised Pentecostal….evangelical….or you can call it protestant…..eighteen years ago..I met then my girlfriend….now my wife…..eight years on and off…ten years married……I didn’t have any problem on her beliefs…though i thought with the time I will bring her to become or to learn about the real gospel…..but that was not the case……I ‘ve been on that church for the last ten years… am on the process of divorcing…..she wants me to leave the house…am being a bad example to our two kids….one 15. the other one 3…and she is stuck on her believe that that’s the true church…..but as I read in your site…and is true…they don’t want you to to know their history……I know the bible….and is just not the same doctrine that the bible explains…then that way they want you to believe……as I read….my soul…my heart…it just felt the happiest moments of my life…..but my question is…….but why the have the nerves to lie to the innocent people…when the scriptures says…that the blood of the innocents will claim justice against you on the final day……well I’ve again…THANK YOU….you have fill my thirst on knowing on the disgraced do called..the church of Jesus Christ….what a shame…. The Church is not sexist one bit. Every religion that bases doctrine on the Torah/Bible has been duped for centuries. But those spirits in heaven that rather lent an influence to the devil, thinking he had a little the best right to govern, but did not take a very active part any way were required to come into the world and take bodies in the accursed lineage of Canaan ; and hence the negro or African race. How can a faith differ so much from town to town? I have so many unanswered questions and concerns with church history but the internet was not so readily accessible in the 1900’s and these folks have not had all of the facts given to them of the church from the beginning of there fellowship so I feel it’s best to not judge things you have no interest in understanding or judge people who are genuinely seeking to do good. I asked what is the science behind this feeling. Biblical Form criticism revealed an overwhelming evidence for authenticity of message, dates, genuineness of the text, etc.. Until the last ones of the residue of Adam’s children are brought up to that favourable position, the children of Cain cannot receive the first ordinances of the Priesthood. Other forms of bigotry seem to be an intrinsic staple in Islam and if Jews are to be considered to be a race, well …. And the papyri, according to church leaders, said it’s a correction. The issue that drove me out of Mormonism was the Book of Abraham. Been there done that. A returned missionary (often abbreviated "RM") is a term used by members of the LDS Church to refer to men and women who have previously served as Mormon missionaries. So which one is the lie the one where we have to do all these rituals or the one where all we have to do is believe and have faith. I swear he said that! This was not to be, and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin. The BofM is a plagiarized poorly written fantasy history, the article you were offended by is 100% correct. What a sad, nasty cult they are in…I am saved, so all I really can do is pray for the grandchildren: Cassie, Emma and Luke. Oklahoma City Oklahoma South Stake Thank you I have been looking everywhere for that! ), a work by an “absolutely ignorant” person (James H. Breasted, Univ. and commented: But he is not willing to admit the possibility and thus the objectivity of science is gone. In the 1800’s that was easy. If a missionary's companion is having difficulty with the work or with personal problems, missionaries are instructed to give criticism constructively, in private and with respect. We believe that it will commence in the House of Judah, or in Jerusalem. Paul was saying that he was genuine and had integrity, despite the fact that some regarded him as not genuine. God bless. A deceased person who was never baptized can get to the Celestial Kingdom as a result of a proxy baptism in a Mormon temple. Since Joseph Smith was born in 1805, this would have made these informants (if they had actually existed) around 83 years old in the late 19th century at the time they made their affidavits. “Among the problems with this scenario are…,” IS, IS, IS!!! What I found was a church that had truly restored ancient concepts lost between Jesus death and the modern day. Why? He was arrested because Satan was stirring up the hearts of the people against him. It does not matter if they are one-sixth Negro or one-hundred and sixth, the curse of no Priesthood is the same. By different I mean that we may not enter the highest degree of the Kingdom Of God because we did not become as a child. I myself worry constantly about what else I may have missed. And I always said if it’s wrong then, I just can’t even be a Christian. [63][64][65][66] Mission experience has also helped prepare RMs for later engaging and prospering in non-Mormon environments. The second is for the atheists, agnostics, and other non-believers who have grown so militant in their anti-religious sentiment, that you can step away from the dogmas of your own long enough to realize that the fallibility of man will never allow for infallible conclusions no matter the evidence. He above anyone would know weather or not which religion is true…. Let’s look at 2 Corinthians 6:8 in a different translation, the New International Version: “Through glory and dishonour, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as imposters.”, To honest readers, the meaning is clear. [60] Other stereotypes include the supposed rush of many RMs to get married as soon as possible. captures The Family’s thinking on lying. because it was necessary that the devil should have a representation upon the earth as well as God;…” He lived a very good life feeding his base desires by devising a completely fabricated religion. Do your research dont just accept it becaus someone else says you should.l. That is way I recognize his methods. Weird. To the Mormons I see responding to this site who are the compassionate ones, the kind and gentle, I say thank you for reminding me of the beauty of the church. Apostle George F. Richards (spoken in conference), Conference Reports, CR April 1939, Second Day-Morning Meeting: Elder George F. Richards If all religion is bogus then why do you get so upset about a nativity and other people “wasting” their time. [67], Prominent individuals who have served LDS missions include Aaron Eckhart (Switzerland/France),[68][69] Shawn Bradley (Australia),[70] Orson Scott Card (Brazil),[71] Stephen Covey (England),[72] Jon Heder (Japan),[73] Ken Jennings (Spain),[74] Elizabeth Smart (France),[75][76] Lindsey Stirling (NYC),[77] Elaine Bradley (Germany),[78] Shannon Hale (Paraguay),[79] Jon Huntsman Jr. (Taiwan),[80] Brandon Sanderson (Korea),[81] Mitt Romney (France),[82] Paul Alan Cox (Samoa),[83] Shay Carl (West Indies), Chad Lewis (Taiwan),[84] and Dale Murphy (Boston). Your Grandfather’s church and my Grandfather’s Lutheran church as well. [105] From 1999 to 2006, three LDS missionaries were murdered worldwide, while 22 died in accidents of some sort. So, there is little doubt Joseph Smith’s eternal prophecy regarding multiple wives is well established. He had also, obviously been worthy to become what he is now today. There are good people in every religion and bad ones too, that doesn’t mean Mormons are bad people, it means they are human. [6] Women who would like to serve a mission must meet the same standards of worthiness and be at least 19 years old. P.S. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. theres been no profits, because we do not believe in anyone as an individual any more.. if you think different than society or faith, its considered mental illness. It is actually absolute rubbish. Dark Skin is a Sign of God’s Curse, White Skin a Sign of God’s Blessing. I have While Emma did not like plural marriage that was not the reason she did not follow the Saints either. Now that has changed. which one is true? MEN are encouraged to pursue higher education and have lucrative careers so they can support their stay at home wives and numerous children. Appreciate your comments and hope you do not stop investigating the evidence. Argue what you want… he saw it long before the science of the day and it has come to pass. this is the 21st century and we still worry about people’s religion? Thank you for sharing your thoughts and musings. My great grandfather was a bishop. He extends the priesthood according to his own design and pattern. I would just like to state for the record that some of the NICEST people I have ever met, were Mormons. It made me feel very trapped and unhappy. First, the Mongol People did not exist in the East European area at the time of the Ice Bridge. I think you will discover,like I did, that you are. Just because you want to be warm when it’s cold outside isn’t going to make you feel the heat and warmth if there is no heater. For everyone else that reads this. One’s belief, here today gone tomorrow. Prospective missionaries also usually attend the temple for the first time to receive their endowment if they have not already done so. It is not the prerogative of the President of the United States to meddle with this matter, and Congress is not allowed, according to the [p.40] Constitution, to legislate upon it. Women generally serve as missionaries for 18 months. Some, would have easily misread or misquoted passages while making copies. Secondly, both Luther and Calvin were racist, with a virulent hatred of the Jews. (Abra. Are we both mentally ill? ?” It’s hard. Mormon Teen Zoe Parker Caught Fucking Boyfriend. I was a member of the Mormon church for 2 years. First off none of these tribes or families were never mintioned in the original bible. You talk about others ‘scorning’ Mormons, yet referring to others who are not Mormon as ‘apostate’ is, in fact, scorning them- accusing them, actually, of abandoning God. A STRIKING FEATURE OF MORMON CHURCH SERVICES IS HOW FREQUENTLY THE MEMBERS SAY SOMETHING TO THE EFFECT THAT “I KNOW THAT JOSEPH SMITH WAS A TRUE PROPHET OF GOD AND THAT THIS IS THE ONLY TRUE CHURCH.” THE IMPRESSION LEFT ON ME IS THAT IF THEY WILL JUST KEEP SAYING THIS OFTEN ENOUGH THAT THEY WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO CONVINCE THEMSELVES AND OTHERS THAT THEY REALLY DO BELIEVE THE THOROUGHLY UNBIBLICAL DOCTRINES OF THEIR CHURCH. [19]:32 High value is placed on the spiritual commitment to the virtues of humility and love. Wrong on all accounts. It might seem impossible to you that all custom-written essays, research papers, speeches, book reviews, and other custom task completed by our writers are both of high quality and cheap. One morning Valerie has to tell her unemployed boyfriend Remi that she is pregnant. No more spin doctrine on the Spaulding manuscripts. Don’t believe everything you read. Not as happy as you think. Wait! It is not just flawed people. The joy of the first was to expose—that of the second was to cover the unseemliness of their father. Those who willfully sin with their eyes open to this wrong will not be surprised to find that they will be separated from the presence of God in the world to come. In the last chapter of Genesis in Smith’s  Inspired Version of The Holy Scriptures, the Lord says to Joseph just before he dies in Egypt: “That seer will I bless…..and his name shall be called Joseph; and it shall be after the name of his father; and he shall be like unto you.” This and the many other “prophecies” in Mormon scripture are cases of what is known in biblical scholarship as a  vaticinium ex eventu, a “prophecy after the fact.” And it is one where the ulterior motive of the perpetrator of the hoax could not be more evident. [106] In 1979, two senior sister missionaries were murdered in Berkeley County, South Carolina and one was raped. For a thousand years Mormons will work on the earth to baptize its entire population, deceased and all, and those who accept baptism will return to Kolob to live with Jesus and the Mormons. The big issue is where to go? I am LDS pioneer stock but spent 20 years in the baptist world. Most Mormons I know watch porn and then then they repent and then they watch porn again and then they repent watch porn again sporting the Internet studies Utah has the highest rate of porn observation them anywhere in the country, My husband is a bishop and I was really society president when the DNA studies came out I love the church because President and play said even on a YouTube video it’s DNA of the native Indians is not from Israel then Joseph Smith called the biggest hoax on the Americans and he is nothing but a fraud so I am taking it from President Hinckley, DNA studies prove that the Indians arm from Mongolia, The church also finally admitted that Joseph Smith faked the translations of the Egyptian papers, We were con for over 40 years and hundreds of our neighbors and family members have now left the church, I don’t feel stupid because people are frauded all the time, They are tricked into investments and everything so why not open your minds to the truth instead of backing up a lot so you don’t feel stupid. Same logic goes for anything else they contradict if the Mormon bible is just an extention of the bible then why not just preach the bible. It is a pivotal event of the Bible, referred to in not only Torah, but in the Psalms and Prophets and in the New Testament. There is always misinformation. Psychologist. No religious person who believes in some type of scripture has any platform whatsoever from which to criticize the BOM as being illegitimate. That was the night they were able to get the plates. [19]:30 In dealing with a problem, missionaries are first to raise the issue with their companion and if it is not resolved, to raise it with the mission president. Because it’s true, nobody except true Mormons believe that. A call to be a mission president is typically extended to the married couple, and in turn, the entire family of the chosen mission president. THE CONTINENTS OF NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA WERE SETTLED BY NATIVES FROM ASIA (not ‘Mongols’) BETWEEN 10 AND 20 THOUSAND YEARS AGO (not 2,000 years ago) after they crossed a land bridge that formed between Alaska and far northeastern Siberia due to the lowering of sea level during the last ice age. This is easily seen in the common technologies. That’s why people don’t like you guys. HEAVEN/HELL it all happens on earth because we have spirits. American Indians have absolutely no genetic link to the Middle East. [24], Sister (female) missionaries may wear skirts and dresses that cover their knees. They worked very little and had the reputation of stealing everything they could lay their hands on….When Jo told his neighbors about finding gold plates no one believed him nor paid any attention to it, he had humbugged them so much.”, On August 1, 1831, Joseph Smith received a revelation which became Section 58 of Doctrine and Covenants. Returned missionaries are frequently called to assist in the local missionary effort and are encouraged to stay active within the LDS Church through callings and service. If there really was an “all powerful” God who wanted human kind to “know” him/her, then there is one basic inescapable conclusion that any rational person would have to reach: ALL the stories about, and “teachings” from, God should be the SAME all over the world. According to the words ascribed to the mythical Jesus, whom Mormons apparently believe in, you have to become as a little child to enter the ‘kingdom’of god’. Other racist passages in the scripture have simply been changed by Mormon authorities—e.g., 2 Nephi 30:6, which originally referred to conversion to Christianity bringing about a “white and delightsome people,” now reads, as of 1981, “a pure and delightsome people.” As for black people, Joseph Smith taught that they are cursed as “sons of Cain.” Brigham Young, the successor of Joseph Smith, stated: “Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? And in fact it is only in the last 12 months that they have issued a formal apology to African Americans over the historic stance of their church. I was raised Mormon. Youtube: AwayPoint. There is a truth that precedes the Bible, and can be found in the Talmud: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!” Live by that maxim, and you’ll be a “true Christian.” When the first seal is opened in the beginning verses of Revelation 6, there is shown to John an important occurrence from the first thousand years after the Fall. In 2016, it is not. Secondly, every church visit was like a fashion show, where men and women seemed to dress their best. Just tell the truth, the WHOLE truth and At least we don’t persecute other fellow Christians! at age 15 ..the phony prophet Joseph with fake gold tablets and sooth sayer crap hat or rock was a fraud from day one ..34 years later I move to same area (springdale wa. ) David O. McKay eventually removed Moyle from his responsibilities over the missionary program but many of the changes introduced during this time remain even today. Where it ends is with my father, who married a ‘gentile’. This article is right on the button. Native Americans in the east have been shown to have later European markers as well (this data also was tossed from the all Native Americans are Mongols postulate), and this is evident as it is known that Vikings many have had several settlements in North America. Bowing to pressure it allowed “black” men to be ordained as priests in 1978. The BoM is Based on a Historically Accurate and Believable Ancient Work. I would like to do some deeper research on points touched on in this article, and a complete citation list would be much appreciated. I would ask you would do some research on this before making a choice. If that Negro is faithful all his days, he can and will enter the celestial kingdom. It is absurd. In truth, I am the same in reverse. This is actually very accurate sir. Tell Jesus you need a whole new propaganda speech. also, as a self-described book of mormon scholar and life-long devout latter-day saint, i’d love to help you learn more accurate facts about correct church beliefs and official/unofficial doctrines. I managed to track down one: “Naked Truths About Mormonism”, allegedly written in 1888, which contains the alleged affidavits from people who grew up with Joseph Smith (but there was no copy of the book available in Google Books, or Project Gutenberg, so it is difficult to evaluate the tone or credibility of its author, who by all accounts was an anti-Mormon ‘crusader’.). This will always be so.” (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Volume 10, page 110.) A lot of things mentioned here are either taken out of context or are completely false. This includes every religion, but we are not going to use and negative structures. When members do these things, and do not leave the Church voluntarily, they are “disfellowshipped” or excommunicated. Some people actually are happier due to religion or Mormonism in this case. When the Lamanites displease God, “because of their iniquity….the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them” (2 Nephi 5:21). [44] According to members of the church, "teaching by the Spirit" means seeking guidance from the Holy Ghost to teach; the idea is that the teachings will be catered to each person who is seeking the truth through divine guidance. They have given up their high paying vocations for the rest of their lives in service to the Church. Missionary companionships are generally maintained for months at a time and most missionaries will have served with multiple companions by the end of their mission. In the last few decades LDS authorities have made a major effort to downplay its distinctive teachings (and practices) in order to present as a “mainstream” Christian denomination. “Keep Sweet” is also the title of a book by a survivor of Mormon fundamentalism. It’s a such a shame it seams like such a waste of there potential and then world’s. Mormonism is no exception. So pretty much the facts presented in this article are not being taken on and proven as made up or lies by the LDS members. Young Probably could have chosen his words more carefully, but that was his style and his rhetoric does not make him any less of a prophet. “The discussion on civil rights, especially over the last 20 years, has drawn some very sharp lines. I don’t know where you got this, but we do not believe this. Joseph Smith, Jr. couldn’t resist the temptation of injecting a self-serving prophecy of himself into the BoM. He forbade intermarriage with them under threat of extension of the curse. lets make sure we keep it up, slavery, and fear.. its been working great. So it would take about ten generations or cycles of gods having children and populating their own worlds before there would be more resurrected humans than there are, in reality, particles in the known universe. [citation needed] As families now contribute to a general fund for missionary expenses, the sum is deductible under many nations' tax policies regarding charitable gifts. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I would gladly give my life for it. If you’re not attending church three or four times a week, perhaps you don’t know that a core belief that is constantly chattered in the past decade is that: Let’s focus on what we do now. 6:12) that we begin to deal with events yet to occur. Runtime: 16m:00s. Growing Up with Blood on our Hands, Dualing Holiday Displays at the State Capitol, Holiday Tips, Insights from Trusting Doubt, prefaced by brilliance from Nonstampcollector, Valerie Tarico – Former Fundamentalist and Author of The Dark Side, God's Emotions: Why The Biblical God is So Very Human, Musings & Rants: Life, Parenting, Relationships. It’s like the the fucking lesser of the crazies thinks he’s not crazy because he’s not on that level. Young people in the church are encouraged to save money throughout their childhood and teenage years to pay for as much of their mission as they can, although many receive assistance from parents, family, or friends. This means black as in literal black. In the end you will know. look up Acts 5: 39, 40 and then post something about Mormons. Would you criticize me and call me a fraud, con-artist, a drunk, just because I BELIEVE it is going to rain tomorrow. The truth is that Mormons actually get more faithful and active in the Church with higher degrees of education. Grow up. He said there were many people long before science believed this to be the case. I have a book written by a professor who spent his young life in south america working. According to a statement by Marinda’s brother Luke Johnson, on March 24, 1832 “a mob of forty or fifty…entered his room in the middle of the night….he was then seized by as many as could get hold of him, and taken about forty rods from the house…they tore off the few night clothes that he had on, for the purpose of emasculating him, and had Dr. Dennison there to perform the operation; but he refused to operate.