both mentioned that D.S. A scary video on binary explosives. I should have removed the choke and will the next time I have the carb off. Can you add a oil purifier to your engine? BTW, these might be a nice addition to every survival gun battery, since they will allow folks to hunt very quietly, after TSHTF. This reduces your risk of loss to late frosts and it provides a longer harvest period for fresh vegetables for the table. Then when you are ready to get your goats, take someone experienced along with you. I recommend them for many applications. I had one that rode with me in my pickup truck, along with my dog. Total cost with free shipping within the continental US is $214 All Mountain House foods are nitrogen back flushed with less than 2% residual oxygen and have a proven shelf life in excess of 30 years.Preferred methods of payment are Cashiers Check, Money Order or PayPal. One important piece of history to keep in mind: we survived the last ice age with little more than stone tools and fire. Survival isn't just to get by, but to be able to provide the basis by which our "way" of living (hopefully by the freedoms outlined in our Constitution) continues into (at least) the next generation. For inside I'm going to construct a 4x4 frame, anchored to the slab and to the concrete walls, complete with crossing 4x4 in case the house caves in on top of us. When you select your main semi auto carry handgun you will need to stock extra magazine, recoil, firing pin springs, etc, etc. Two readers mentioned this article: National Guard May Be Needed to Enforce Quarantine in Flu Pandemic. OSOM's comment: "Jim's novel Patriots has been called a 'survival manual fairly neatly dressed as a work of fiction.' -- It's something that was raised in me. Buying both a pistol and a registered ("Class 3") submachinegun chambered for the same cartridge, preferably .45 ACP. In itself it could be dealt with, but in combination with any of these other risks, the problems it creates will be substantially exaggerated. Would your crops suffer if your windbreak were suddenly on the wrong side of your farm? Think about it, has the weather/climate ever been unchanging, with or without man on the planet? (Such as ATTEX, ARGO, HUSTLER, MAX, AMPHICAT, SIERRA TRAIL BOSS, SCRAMBLER, COOT, CAMEL, JIGER, STARCRAFT, TERRA JET, TERRA TIGER, CUSHMAN TRACKSTER, CHAPPARAL, RIM, and SWAMP FOX. An alternative is to keep goats that are dairy crossed with Boer (or Kiko, another meat breed). My general advice is: shoot whatever you are best at shooting. The Micro Compact is not the only 1911 I have ever owned, I have several Colts, full size, Gold Cup, Government Model, et cetera. Most small Beekeepers are doing everything possible to save their hives from using essential oils to massive doses of antibiotics." A couple degrees can mean glaciers grow or retreat, which they've been doing for millennia before man began burning coal or oil. It has a $729 retail value. If you must operate below -50 F use 10 weight and do not shut down you engines as even 10 weight will "gel" and not pump. Again, based on the experience of the 1994-2004 ban and the 1986 Federal machinegun "freeze", I expect magazine prices to at least triple. I have decided on the Berkey and am leaning toward the Travel Berkey Water Purifier that is listed on Get Ready Industries web site at $199. « Odds 'n Sods: |Main| Letter Re: Barbed Wire and/or Concertina Wire to Supplement Retreat Defense », JWR: Your discussion about EMP effects from ground blast or a low altitude nuclear explosion [posted on April 23rd] was excellent. It’s free and best of all the tax man hasn’t yet figured a way to tax it! Recently we had an episode where we had to transfer several patients due to lack of ventilators at our facility. It's already a bad year! Thanks for your help and keep up the good work. and Bug Out Considerations, Part 11: First Aid, Medical, Sanitation, and Physical Fitness, Part 12: Recent Experiences and Emerging Threats, Part 13: Self-Sufficiency and Home-Based Businesses, Part 14: Investing, Economics, and Barter, Appendix A: Sources, Suppliers, and Consultants. We, as survivalists, need to be acutely aware of when this happens to us, as the ability to react to any information coolly and logically is a cultivated adaptation that will give us a leg-up in stressful situations. Unlike when using a high power rifle, it will take the effect of cumulative hits to put Mr. Badguy out of action. BTW, keeping track of solar flare activity is also fun for those of us that enjoy watching far northern (or southern) latitude auroras. The research I found on the internet was conducted by the Oregon State University and it was based on a variety of grass seeds with comparisons to other seeds such as corn and soybeans (not just onions). Perhaps the script writers don't want to bore the audience with mundane things like the struggle to obtain the bare necessities of life, or the fragility of our technological infrastructure. - The Late Col. Jeff Cooper, « The CDC's New "Five Categories" for Pandemic Severity |Main| Jim's Quote of the Day ». Round 10 ends tomorrow, May 31st. Looking at their running inventories posted on the web page, I can see that many items have sold out. Please send your lists in the same format via e-mail and I will post them anonymously. If you have eBay bookmarked in you "favorites" list, then please update the bookmark properties to have this URL: (Not just "" Otherwise we won't get the commission.) JWR Replies: When storing ammo in military surplus ammo cans, I always leave ammo in the original boxes unless they are water-damaged. Of course, it becomes my job to load and turn the logs and pull and stack the lumber and slabs when she operates the mill. If you like "in town" retreating, then I recommend both the Bonner's Ferry area and the Clark Fork area. Some manufacturers of complex products-such as automobiles--now rely on many dozens of parts vendors on several continents. "~~~One can say that the scientists working for the energy companies are "biased," but bias works both ways. Now its presentation, safety rules review, malfunction clearing, etc. In the present its really dried out and all the grass is gone. Are they any less entitled to the lifestyle model we've exported around the globe?” Along with many other sources this confirms why ammunition has increased 10% across the board this year, and why silver is slowly, yet steadily rising. For what purpose? Freeze Dry Guy (one of our most loyal advertisers) told us that because of the overwhelming response, they are extending their May Special through the month of June! It is quite durable and contains a very efficient valve. Sometimes retreats will have such items already on hand that you can negotiate into the deal, seeing that prices in the real estate market are still coming down. Reader "RBS" mentioned a web site dedicated to ham radio and RACES [Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service] news, and so forth: Emergency Radio. In my opinion, both of these cartridges are slightly over-powered for a combat handgun, but still underpowered and not flat shooting enough for use in a carbine or long range self defense. Some brands: (check out their web sites) Ellsworth Turner Specialized Santa Cruz Giant Kona I have a Turner “5 Spot” bike. If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." As a service specialist in an un-named Level 1 trauma center I had access to almost every inch of the facility(s) including the warehouses where we stored our unused equipment and all the patient care products. There are a lot of variables that determine whether or not a .223 round is going to fragment (including bullet construction, what part of the body it hits, etc. As I prepare my family for TEOTWAWKI or whatever else may come, I am also preparing to share with others in need. Dollar Devaluation/Economic Breakdown4. If you are firing your MBR in indoor conditions, you will be in some very serious pain in a very short time. Thanks for the fantastic blog, Jim. Success is a drug that there is no anti-dote, only garbage that clouds the “vision” to succeed. For these reasons, storing fuel above ground is usually easier than in below ground tanks. And today we present another article submitted for Round 9 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. If possible, build a wood shed or lean-to that’s near where you will need the wood so you don’t have to haul it too far. They can be fairly benign, such as delimiting the colors houses can be painted. I try to use the dispassionate mindset of an actuarial accountant. You can test the viability of your seeds before you plant them in the ground in the spring. My oh my, I thought; "I won't need an H1 Hummer after this."