Im so happy. Heavenly Father, open the spiritual eyes of my spouse that they may see where they belong, and where is the true joy, peace and love they are seeking after. Help each of us to speak to the other in a considerate way, to consult the other for decisions, and to seek to meet the needs and desires of our spouse. Just as You opened the womb of Sarah after so many years, I believe that You are and will do the same for me today. The pain I feel is beyond any I could have imagined. Every tougue of lies and deceit that rises up against my family will be cut down, in the name of Jesus. With Your heavenly armor, I’ll regain the territory that has been lost. 68 Views. I would love for you to share with me any verses that you pray over your marriage or ways that you pray … Pray Also: Prayers of Forgiveness: Let Go of Unforgiveness. Thank you for guiding me through this day, for the beauty of your light and for your love that chases after … I am praying for healing and restoration into my marriage. In Your power, we unite to defeat this roaring lion and recover our love. In Jesus’ name, SO BE IT…AMEN! May I be forgiven for the wrongs I have inflicted and assist me in forgiving the hurts I have endured. I love and adore my husband and I yearn to be the wife You created me to be, one who my husband would truly love, admire and cherish. Prayer Against the Spirit of Anger God, my Stronghold, we have both permitted the spirit of anger to tear our relationship into shreds. In my distress, I call out to You because my marriage is falling apart. Heavenly and Merciful Father, I thank you for who you are and for the promises that you have made concerning me and my spouse. Related posts: How to Guard your Heart: 13 Proven Ways. In the name of Jesus, we reject any evil intrusion into our marriage and cling to all that is good. Amen. We pray for Your help in standing against those things that come to hinder, wreck, or devastate our marriage. Amen. Alternative or Additional Prayer “Father, I ask You in the Name of Jesus Christ to send out angels to gather up the fragments of my soul and restore them to their rightful place in me (Psalm 7:2, 23:3). Healing Marriage Prayer. May You be honored and glorified in this marriage as we rise from the ashes. Work Your mighty strength within us so that we are not crushed but revived. Midnight warfare Prayers [ Restoration, Deliverance & Breakthrough] [We don’t own copyrights to Background music] God is the one who knows what is wrong with your marriage and how to fix it. We have allowed the adversary to gain a foothold. Lord, deliver me and my spouse from the evil spirit of unforgiveness, hatred, anger, bitterness, and abuse that is poisoning our minds and relationship. 1 Corinthians 13:7-8 Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Oh Lord, let your peace, joy, happiness, and comfort saturate this marriage, in Jesus’ name, Amen! Soften our hearts so they are open to each other. Let the spirit of Jezebel be destroyed and let the blood of Jesus prevail over us. But now, Lord, I’m taking it back. Fill up every space in our hearts with your peace, love, joy so that there’s no room for negative emotions. SAVE $18.00. Amen. Like Like. – Beverley. I lift my eyes up to You in hope. Amen. Our prayer today is that God would arise and scatter his enemies. Amen. May my husband seek after you in all things and be the spiritual header of our household. May we be devoted to each other and outdo each other in acts and words of kindness. But we are determined that the schemes of Satan shall no longer deceive us and devastate our marriage. We pray against “marriage breaking spirits” and those negative forces that try to destroy marital intimacy between husband and wife. You strengthen me at my weakest moments. Oh Lord, My God, my heart has been ripped into thousands of pieces. $37.00 $19.00. 11th-hour testimony awaits… Welcome to the 7 prayers to activate the blessings… Two types of believers engage these furious prayers every month. Remove the wedge placed between us. In Jesus’ mighty and powerful name I pray, Amen. We repent and ask Your forgiveness and the forgiveness of one another. I thank you and praise your mighty, glorious name. Yesterday he even confessed that in the past he harboured so much hatred towards me but now he doesn’t know where it is gone. It is your will that marriages be santified. Lord God - Maker of Miracles, I give you glory and honor and praise. May Your Holy Spirit empower us with the patience and perseverance to overcome. Below are the thirteen (13) prayers that will help you bring back your focus on God, who alone is able to permanently heal and restore your marriage. I do not cheat on my wife but we do have this arguments due to lack of her commitment to the union. I will do anything to save my marriage. Praise and worship; Repent and confess your sins. Midnight Prayer Coach. Engage the power and potency of the Word against the power of the enemies (Hebrews 4:12). Use these prayers as guidelines for how to pray for the resolution of all that ills your marriage. Assist us to be intentional in demonstrating basic kindness and courtesy. Empower us to be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as You have forgiven us. You have promised to bless me exceedingly and it is your heart’s desire to enlarge my coast. Please God, bring restoration to my marriage. Dear Lord, We have seen the damage firsthand that storms can cause in our lives. Amen. Like Like. But, behind him stood a great, big God. Amen. Amen. Lord, remove all persons who come between our union and try to destroy God’s perfect plan for our life, family, and marriage. Midnight Prayer Points By Elisha Goodman - Prayer Points MIDNIGHT PRAYER POINTS BY ELISHA GOODMAN. Bring victory to our marriage. We pray for peace for both parties. Top 15 Proven Ways To Know God Intimately. Lord, teach us how to be patient in tribulation. Prayer for God's Blessings on my Spouse and I, 2. Help us consistently remember to give of ourselves to meet the other’s needs. I hate the person I have since become. Please do not allow it to become empty and dead. About us. I pray that no weapon formed against me and my family will prosper. Amen. I believe I have done my part -- by letting you know that you can still recover your marriage from the grip of marriage … Amen. Reply. May Your Spirit come alongside us and give us insight into our shortcomings. Replace every negative feeling with love and help us to work through our differences. He will not intervene in the affairs of man by forcing him to go against his own will. – Ps.50:15 When her 3-year-old marriage began to break down, Yvette Defeat these feelings of hurt or defensiveness and assist us to be humble and honest. We praise Your holy name that in this season of our spiritual warfare, You have been our rock and shield.