Maul, clearly sensing that the bartender knew nothing of the nature of the information itself, knew nothing of the imminent Trade Federation blockade, then left the tavern to continue the tracking of his prey. Gameplay de Flores February 22, 2021 Rainbow Six Siege: all the news from Year 6 and Operation Crimson Heist February 22, 2021 Asajj Ventress and Darth Maul are two characters from the Star Wars universe related to the Dark Side of the Force, both come from the planet Dathomir which […] Grahrk asked if Maul was the one who wanted to hire him. [9][17], Upon arrival, Sidious disguised himself as a blind, anonymous businessman in need to have Maul trained as his future "bodyguard." As tempting as it would be to kill them immediately, such a move would be too risky in a public place; Maul needed to discover if there were others Monchar might have involved in his traitorous actions. [16], As Darth Sidious observed, Darth Maul was obsessed with achieving absolute victory in anything and at any cost. [39], Maul set off to Detention Camp Six, which was outside Moenia. Inhabitants of the planet Dathomir. The Dathomirian Zabrak males, known as the Nightbrothers, are easily identifiable by the intimidating crown of horns around their head, as well as the distinct markings on their skin. [22], Rather than accept death, the punishment for failure, Maul resolved to best Manka. [1], Sidious met Maul in the LiMerge building with a new assignment: infiltrate the infamous Cog Hive Seven prison under the alias Jagannath, locate fabled weapons manufacturer and dealer Iram Radique, and procure a special nuclear device from him, so that he may secretly deliver to Radique's enemy, the Bando Gora. Following Ventress' betrayal at the hands of Count Dooku, Talzin and Ventress planned their revenge upon Dooku. [13], Palpatine, and reluctantly, Yoda, suggested to Obi-Wan that they not pursue the Sith brothers. The Zabrak's entrance startled Grahrk so much that he soiled his trousers. Maul and Dooku engaged the Jedi in a lightsaber duel, which lasted until Kast shot a small explosive towards the Jedi, incapacitating the Jedi and allowing the two Sith Lords to escape. Dathomirian females tended to have pale gray or white skin and usually blue or silvery eyes, and tall and thin bodies. Successful, he left the house and ran through the files on the Eriadu delivery. Chronological and political information When Anakin went into a trance-like state, Darth Maul appeared and Anakin immediately attacked him. [12] He later assumed a Soresu opening stance to begin his and Savage Opress's duel with Sidious, likely anticipating an attack from the reigning Dark Lord. Upon watching from an observation room, Sidious expressed his approval to Maul. Life was hard for young Maul. The captain, a severed arm dangling to his side, soon met his own violent end with a vertical lightsaber slash through the chest—his last expression that of the stuffed animals overhead: dead eyes glazed with surprise. But Pavan, in flight from the enraged Zabrak, had delivered the dangerous article containing incriminating information about the Trade Federation's imminent blockade into the trusted hand of the Senator from Naboo himself (what Plagueis later saw, in private converse with Palpatine, as a delivery by the dark side). Maul is a playable character in Star Wars Battlefront 2. He proceeded to create a new lightsaber,[22] based upon Sith schematics which he had originally received from Darth Sidious[9][21] and inspired by the Zhaboka, a traditional weapon of his species. Thinking that he could easily kill the meditating Manka, he was caught off guard by the Jedi Master's sudden attack. [45], In one of their expeditions, Maul and Savage murdered an individual who worked for the powerful Rim Commercial Mining company as an exporter, causing CEO Ja'Boag to place a bounty on Maul's head. Maul is a Zabrak, but born on Dathomir (where there exists a population of Zabrak). This vehicle was developed by Raith Sienar, the man whose company would later develop the TIE/LN starfighter for the Empire, and Darth Tenebrous, who had trained Darth Plagueis. With his severed lower body replaced by a pair of large cybernetic legs and abdomen, and his cranial horns having grown to over three times their original length, Maul was consumed with greater hatred than ever before and clearly never resumed contact with his former master, having dedicated his new life to avenging himself on the man who had bested him. He now lived on a jungle world in the Jentares system. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia has a collection of quotes related to. Maul recognized her as being the vague presence he had felt earlier while on Monchar's trail. The sequence omits Kenobi being knocked into the pit. Maul had the whole space station blown up before he set out to kill Vigo Morn. Maul tortured Kenobi, though the arrival of an unexpected ally, the Nightsister Asajj Ventress, gave Kenobi the time he needed to escape. Obi-Wan noted the ominous sensation of having his abilities in the Force somehow "blunted", his use of the Force in some way "clouded" by their Sith enemy. About Dathomirian Zabrak. With his training focusing intensively on learning the Juyo variant of Form VII from Sidious,[7] Maul's inner aggression served to amplify his use of the form. He went inside the outpost and, accessing a HoloNet terminal, searched for any recently arrived Neimoidians, paying no heed to the long line of galactic creatures waiting impatiently behind him. He added that Sidious should hold the assassin back, so that he may feed on his anger and hate. [1] When he asked that Maul spare him, the Sith Lord angrily said "No" and cut him down. [19], Maul hailed a taxi speeder to take him close to where he had parked the Scimitar. As most of the era's Jedi had never faced such a weapon, or a practitioner skilled in its use, Maul sometimes used the relative novelty of his weapon's second blade to catch his opponents by surprise. With an indirect comment from Satine, Maul chose former Prime Minister Almec. [56], Dooku returned to Maul after conferring with Sidious, with orders from the Dark Lord to learn more about the Shadow Collective and the names of Maul's associates. Moreover, he said that if it hadn't been for the Sith's efforts, Maul would have been found by the Jedi on Dathomir and turned into a "mindless, obedient servant for the Republic." 54 BBY (19BrS),[2] Dathomir In the event that some unexpected misfortune befell his master, Maul did not know how to execute the Grand Plan in Sidious' place, or if there even existed a contingency plan at all. 0 BBY, Kalakar Six[3] [66], When Jedi Master Luke Skywalker arrived on Iridonia in an ambassadorial capacity, he was attacked by the Jedi-hating holographic Maul. On Almec's orders, Sidious' vessel was pursued by Maul's Death Watch forces, with the intention of rescuing their captive leader. Silus was a hulking, savage brute using the Force for financial gain and praise by pitting himself against other Force-users in a dueling ring. He could utilize Battlemind and Force rage to increase his fighting form. Vader, while startled by the appearance of his predecessor in the flesh, was convinced that it had to be an imposter. By. Maul used the Force to choke her and, as the Mandalorians aimed their weapons at him, he claimed that, thanks to their alliance, Mandalore would be theirs and they would dispose of all their enemies, as well as gaining their revenge against Kenobi and Dooku. With ease, Maul cut down a couple of trees. Maul left no trail as he returned aboard the Scimitar for Coruscant to make his report to Sidious. They suspected "foul play" at the Eriadu trade summit. 436x685 - Darth maul is a dathomirian not a zabrak but he was a zabrak. [39], At last. Quickly, Maul installed the data card to jam the CGTs and remotely control the Vulture, pitting them against the Bartokk starfighter. [28], As Alexi Garyn reached for his private yacht, Maul jumped via the Force and blocked his way. In a secret facility on Coruscant, Maul constructed much of the gear and gadgets that he used on his missions, including his signature speeder bike Bloodfin and the Dark Eye seeker droids. Maul did succeed in defeating Qui-Gon Jinn: a victory, however, that Sidious felt he really must claim for himself; that triumph was, after all, the direct result of his own teaching and the caliber of training Sidious afforded Maul that made that defeat possible. [45], Maul reawakened and, with all of his anger, was able to use the Force to acquire a six-legged arachnid-like cybernetic apparatus to replace his lost lower body. [45], After their encounter with Kenobi and Ventress above Raydonia, Maul and Opress traveled to Yellowblade's Landing, where they visited a local cantina. After getting frustrated with a drawing of production designer Gavin Bocquet, McCaig started covering it in tape. [64] On Twitter, in July 2018, the author of "Resurrection", Ron Marz, stated that Maul was real: "Maul was real in context of the story," and "I can say for certain Maul was real. During his duel with Kenobi, Maul utilized Dun Möch by taunting the Jedi Master for his inability to prevent his mentor Qui-Gon Jinn's death. He warned Groodo that the attack on the Corulag Academy would never happen; there would be no more pirating Trade Federation property; and Groodo had thirty seconds to escape before his ship was destroyed. Maul finished his revenge on Kenobi by killing his former lover, ousted Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze. Talzin fought Sidious while Maul fought the cyborg general, and Sidious quickly gained the advantage over the Dathomir witch. He reminded Kenobi that he had suffered over a decade of physical and mental anguish at Kenobi's own hands, and that he intended to make Kenobi "share" his agony. [27], As the moon went low in the night sky, Maul traveled to LL's headquarters and spent an hour to study its defenses, intent on slicing into the company's central computer. As such, they had made little progress. He entered through the exposed window, willingly bringing himself into the hands of a Bartokk wearing a vocabulator. Maul corrected him by stating that his Master was the man in question. [1], Maul had learned to use Galactic Basic Standard, but like his master before him, he was also taught on how to read, write, and utter out the words of the ancient Sith tongue. Sidious bombarded Talzin with Force lightning, and the witch released Dooku and appeared in physical form once more. When Maul returned to OOM-9, the droid commander reported on all action taken since the Sith Lord's last order: the droids did attempt to drain the marsh, but they soon discovered (because the marsh seemed to be replenishing itself, with its water levels rising again) that it was linked to vast reserves of underground water. Maul parked his ship a kilometer from the Tooms' base without being picked up by a radar detector. Maul arrived on the world and cautiously approached the Jedi Master, brandishing his lightsaber. [14] Maul recalled his days on Mustafar and how he brought Black Sun into utter chaos thirteen years ago. It was time he left Coruscant, and with all speed. Sidious advised the boy not to underestimate the Jedi: compassion may be their greatest weakness, but they were still strong. As such, they devised a plan to lure Vader to them, so that Maul could kill him in battle and subsequently take his place at Sidious' side once more. Maul came close to victory, only to be slain by Vader, whose destiny was not yet fulfilled. Relishing his triumphant moment, Maul held back the impatience that surged within him to see the Jedi apprentice fall to his doom. Savage, discovering his brother Maul was alive,[20] brought him back to Dathomir. Then, a lone gun man tried to ambush him, but was met with a Force-choke that ended his life. [39], During the ensuing battle, Maul personally captured Boss Ganne[39] and used the Force to manipulate Ganne (by thought suggestion) into opening the Gates of Rellias, the only obstacle preventing Federation forces from accessing the Rellias channel. After helping Opress escape from his carbonite prison, he slew Salmara, sparking revenge and hate in her apprentice, Dray. He liked the result, described as "a kind of Rorschach pattern," and so did Lucas. His master told him that, indeed, the Queen and the Jedi had already arrived on Coruscant; they were here now. Just then, Maul broke his stun cuffs with his own hands, kicked the droid, and ducked out of the way as the droid missed him and smashed itself against the cell wall, causing it to self-deactivate. [3], The Dathomiri had tattoos on their body that represented their tribal heritage. Maul began to question the order, but his master told him to wait; he would soon play a huge role in what would happen next. However, Savage and Ventress failed. Also related to this are the Rattataki, a completely unrelated species which female Dathomirian Zabraks happen to resemble. Maul threw his lightsaber at the droid, stabbing it in the chassis. Knowing that his senses weren't as attuned as Sidious', he nevertheless found what he was looking for: a Force-sensitive Drovian named Silus. She distracted the pair long enough to rouse Kenobi so that the unlikely pair could stand together against the dark brothers.[51]. Darth Maul also told Opress his story, and his hatred for Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was now a member of the Jedi High Council. ... She's a Twi'lek not a Zabrak like Maul. [18] Agonizing Sith tattoos were applied personally by Darth Sidious in an attempt to cleanse Maul's mind[18] as well as demonstrating Maul's complete dedication to the dark side.