After he succeeded in getting funds for the library, he was thrown in The Hole for playing Duettino Sull'aria a piece of opera music over the loudspeakers for the entire prison to hear. Andy is sentenced to two life sentences for the murder of his wife and her lover, a crime he truly did not commit. Andy is sentenced to two life sentences for the murder of his wife and her lover, a crime he truly did not commit. Andy also tells Red that he could use a man who knows how to get things. Stephen King Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Andy's story in court was that he went to confront his wife, armed, motivated, and drunk, he dropped bullets with … In 1965 Tommy Williams arrived at Shawshank and Andy and his friends soon took a liking to him. by Douglas Charles May 6, 2015. Wife (Deceased) Andy Dufresne: Sir, he's telling the truth. Relatives asked Mar 20 '14 at 17:10. user8662 … Andy knew he didn't belong at Shawshank and just by his body language he … The documents required to claim Peter Stevens's assets and assume his identity are in a safe deposit box in a Portland bank; the key to the box is hidden under a black rock in a rock wall lining a hay field in the small town of Buxton, not too far from Shawshank. He had spent 19 years tunneling through the wall of his cell with his Rock Hammer, his hole covered by his poster of Rita Hayworth. Throughout the 1950s and early 1960s, Andy built the Brooks Hatlen Memorial Library. Boy is he … He's young, not terribly bright. After Tommy was shot by Hadley under the command of Norton because he knew information that could support Andy's innocence, Andy decided he had been there long enough. Andy Dufresne was introduced into a whole new world when he was sentenced to serve imprisonment at Shawshank. A few weeks later, Red gets a blank postcard from a small town called Fort Hancock, Texas, near the Mexican border, and surmises that Andy crossed the border there. I remember thinking it would take a man six hundred years to tunnel through the wall with it. 1 0. pizzaro. Andrew "Andy" Dufresne is the main protagonist in Stephen King's Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption and the 1994 film adaptation. In a hard and dissimilar environment, he smiled at the difficulties and escaped from the prison to have a new life by his own struggle and intelligence eventually. novel Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne arrives at Shawshank State Prison serving two life sentences when he is approximately thirty years old. This is a great contrast to the other inmates, who are hardened criminals. Shawshank Redemption Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Hadley agrees and Andy later begins doing taxes at no charge for the entire prison staff, later being moved out of the laundry by the warden himself. During their first conversation in The Shawshank Redemption, Andy … He insisted on his faith all the time and helped friends get soul salvation in twenty … Andy Dufresne was an innocent man who was sent to the The Shawshank Prison as the court gave the wrong judgment in the movie. After searching the prison grounds and surrounding area without finding any sign of an escaped man, the warden looks in Andy's cell and discovers that the poster on his wall covers a man-sized hole. Red: [narrating] In 1966, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank prison. Andy created a false identity for the money to be traced back to and was involved in a number of projects at the prison, including making the Brooks Hatlen Memorial Library. Warden Samuel Norton: Well, let's say for the moment this Blatch does exist. The next day, Andy walked into the Bank of Portland and nearly a dozen other banks. He has an earnest quality that others in the prison do not, a mystification with the fact that he has suddenly found himself in jail, unable to live the upper-middle-class life that he pursued outside the prison. In Shawshank Redemption, how did Andy Dufresne dig a tunnel if there was a cell next to him. Andy Dufresne arrived at Shawshank with a very steely look in his eyes and a look of composure that was misconstrued as a type of arrogance or mentally weak attitude. Red got released from prison a few months later and joined Andy and lived happily ever after. Hope of Shawshank Redemption. Andy Dufresne had … It tells the story of banker Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), who is sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary for the murders of his wife and her lover, despite his claims of innocence. The Shawshank Redemption Amy Thomas Mr. Pudwill Film Analysis Period 2 June 10, 2013 In the film, The Shawshank Redemption, multiple themes are evident but ultimately the theme of hope is the most highlighted throughout the movie.The main character, Andy Dufresne, a 30 year old former vice president of a bank was convicted of the … It's not surprising he wouldn't know what a state he put you in. After that he managed to bust a pipe open in unison with the thunder, to mask the sound of his blows to the pipe. Shirley. Tommy Williams was an inmate at Shawshank State Penitentiary. He married his wife Linda presumably in the late 1930s, after proposing to her in a hayfield in Buxton. The guards on the opposing teams all remembered to bring their W2s. Red : [narrating] The following April Andy did tax returns for half the guards at Shawshank. Before being sentenced to life Andy managed, with the help of his closest friend, to sell off his assets and invest them under a pseudonym. He had a wife and a baby daughter. It was his former cellmate at another prison, Elwood Blatch. Andy Dufresne is a particularly curious criminal in that he comes from a good job in Portland and it is unclear whether he actually committed the crime he is charged with. It took Andy 19 1/2 years to tunnel through that wall, but he did it. Red honors the former banker's request for a rock hammer but also schools him about the unofficial codes of conduct within Shawshank State Penitentiary. As a free man, Andy had been a rock-hound, and now he has immense amounts of free time on his hands, so he asks a fellow inmate who can smuggle contraband into the prison named Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding to get him a rock hammer, a tool he uses to shape the rocks he finds in the exercise yard into small sculptures like chess pieces. Andy confronted her and she denied his allegations. Andrew "Andy" Dufresne is the main protagonist in the 1994 drama filmThe Shawshank Redemption. He waited for a stormy night, whereupon he took the warden's shoes, and one of his suits, whilst hiding his rock hammer in the bible he had been issued upon his arrival, which he swapped for the Warden's ledger. He hears your tale of woe and quite naturally, wants to cheer you up. Red, the narrator, recounts how he planned and carried out his wifes murder by disabling her brakes, which accidentally killed a neighbor and child as well and earned him a life sentence at Shawshank Prison. There they both meet again and they happily embrace. Andy was wrongfully charged with the double murder of his wife and the man she was cheating with. BACK; NEXT ; Andy becomes a big-shot banker before the age of 30, "good work for a man as young as he was." Despite being young, he was very successful. Occupation Portrayed by When taking the order, Red reflects that Andy is, quite uncharacteristically, excited like a teenager about the poster, but does not think more of it at the time. really, he went from a man who was letting life lead him any which way, and bringing him down, to someone who use everything he had to get his freedom. Tommy wanted to try for his GED so Andy helped him. This made-up person, Peter Stevens, has a driver's license, social security card, and other credentials. Andy after breaking out of Shawshank Prison. Once his original stint in the hole was done, Andy was blackmailed by the Warden and given another month to think about his options. Movie info Andy was a young, successful banker who was wrongly convicted of murdering his wife and her lover based on circumstantial evidence. 0 0. Andy Dufresne escaped Shawshank in 1966 - around this time many of the modern security measures in place in the banking industry did not exist ; Andy Dufresne had all of the valid identification and signatures, matching up with the account holders, as he had set up the accounts; Banks open at around 8am; he also ask for cashier’s check not cash; Let's not forget, Andy … As a result, he was exempt from manual labor and harassment by his fellow inmates, (Captain Hadley even beat up the lead sister Bogs following an assault which left Andy in the infirmary for a month). In the novel and movie, Andy is notably very secretive and tight-lipped. Here is the evidence as I see it: The story is told from Red's perspective as narrator, meaning every ounce of it came from Andy and how he chose to portray himself to his cell mates. Then went into the sewers and crawled through crap for 300 yards then came out on the other side in a small river. Andy offers to help the guard to prepare the necessary paperwork for the transaction, in exchange for some beer for the other prisoners on the roof. He arrived in 1965 on a two-year term for breaking and entering after he was caught stealing TV sets from JC Penney. 5 years ago @Inigo: I think Jesus went to Mexico, too. Andy was incarcerated at Shawshank Prison in 1948, where he wore the prisoner number 81433-SHNK. 4 years ago. The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont, based on the 1982 Stephen King novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. For 56 years, Frank Freshwaters lived the life of a free man despite the fact that he should have been in prison. Andy was the vice president of a bank in Portland, Maine. The jury was … Biographical information As a free man, Andy had been a rock-hound, and now he h… Real-Life Andy Dufresne Who Served Time In ‘Shawshank Prison’ Caught After 56 Years On The Run. Year after that they rescheduled the start of the intra-mural season to coincide with tax season. Andy was sent to Shawshank for life in 1947 for the cold-blooded murder of his wife, Linda, and her lover, tennis pro Glenn Q… Alive He told Red and Andy he knew who really killed Andy's wife and her lover. Previously, Tommy had spent time in prisons all around New England since was 13 years old, including stints in Cashman and Thomaston. Then Red's release was finally … When the bus, transporting the future inmates of Shawshank, … He received two life sentences for the double murders despite maintaining his innocence. Once through the wall, he broke into a sewage pipe by syncronizing his strikes with lightning, before crawling through it for some 500 yards, emerged into a field beyond prison's outer perimeter and vanished. Andy was a young, successful banker who was wrongly convicted of murdering his wife and her lover based on circumstantial evidence. Status What happened afterward was a redemptive tale worthy of Andy Dufresne. Improve this question. Later that night she went to Glen's house where Andy arrived in a state of inebriation. It takes Andy nineteen years to hammer his way through the walls of Shawshank. After three attempts, the pipe burst and opened. Andrew Martin. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He also mailed the evidence of their financial crimes to the Daily Bugle, presumably along with evidence of his own innocence. Another possibility is that Andy is exercising freedom and wants it to last as long as possible. He later crossed into Mexico at Fort Hancock, before settling down in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Red later finds the tin that Andy told him about and inside finds a letter addressed to him from "Peter Stevens" inviting him to join him at the town he had told him about. He quickly became a part of their gang. Andy was the vice president of a bank in Portland, Maine. … He left his revolver with 4 bullets missing near the scene.