The sign of the cross is an ancient Christian practice, dating from at least the early third century or before. We don’t realize what sin is in the sight of God, how deeply it offends Him and how it separates us from Him. dot the i's and cross the t's definition: 1. to pay a great deal of attention to the details of something, especially when you are trying to…. Yet, if you visit a congregation of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association (which sponsors this website), and meet our members, you may notice that they are not wearing or displaying the cross to demonstrate their faith. “Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it / We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Meaning: Do not worry unnecessarily over a problem that is too far into the future, or not relevant at the present moment.. Take Up His Cross . What you tell two people peeing at urinals next to each other to save them from untimely death, in reference to crossing the streams in Ghostbusters. If you don’t learn from Jesus, then you don’t have the spirit of Christ, and YOU ARE NONE OF HIS (Romans 8:9)!! The loans involved in cross collateralization don't have to be the same type. When Christians use it, in continuity with ancient Christian practice, it continues to be a personal reminder that we belong to Christ. THE cross is loved and respected by millions of people. An important reason is that Jesus Christ did not die on a cross. They don't drink or smoke or curse or fornicate - they are examples of tremendous self-discipline. There are millions of professing Christians who boast about their self-denial. . In Christ’s time everyone understood the meaning of the word cross. PETER'S CROSS - Satanists are not the brightest folks to begin with, but you would think they would check to see if a symbol already had a meaning before adopting it as their own. The symbol of the cross is used around the world to represent Jesus Christ and Christianity. The cross and all that it stands for are central to our tradition and the heritage of all Christians. The Encyclopædia Britannica calls the cross “the principal symbol of the Christian religion.” Nevertheless, true Christians do not use the cross in worship. The fact is that this symbol has been known as Peter's Cross for the better part of two … This is a strong statement. Before Jesus went to the cross, He prayed in Gethsemane. The words "take up his cross," which the disciples had heard before (see Note on Matthew 10:38), were now clothed with a new and more distinct meaning, by the words that spoke so clearly of the death of which the cross was to be the instrument. “In the Egyptian churches the cross was a pagan symbol of life borrowed by the Christians and interpreted in the pagan manner.” (Encyclopedia Britannica) Learn more. Then Jesus said the person must take up their cross. Satanist think if they invert a symbol, it will make it evil or if they spell something backwards it makes it cool. . Why not? This is a good proverb to use when calming a person who is stressing about challenges that the future might hold. It is a strong word meaning that a person must refuse to be thinking about oneself. In other words, "Don't take up your cross until you are ready to reject any and every thought on becoming a holy disciple as a result of your own effort." It is a picture of complete denial of one’s desires and wishes. Cross collateralization also includes using an asset, such as a vehicle, to …