While raccoons do not hibernate and are solitary by nature, their level of activity does ebb and flow with the seasons. The most common movement-related sounds you might hear are rustling, scratching, or dragging. Contrary to popular belief, raccoons do not “douse” or wash their food. They do not dig a den like a badger does, but may use a badger den or abandoned rabbit den, or may drive those residence off in order to use their burrows. Raccoons are excellent mothers and will move their babies to a new den site if given the chance, but evicting a mother raccoon always runs the risk of her abandoning or getting separated from her babies. While raccoons make a variety of vocalizations, they also make noise when they move around. Then you should find their entry way and repair it. Wild raccoons accustomed to being fed by well-intentioned people will generally loose their natural fear of humans and seek to move closer to their food source-your house. Why Did Raccoons Choose To Live In Your Attic, Barn Or Shed? On average, wild raccoons live 2 -3 years, but in captivity, they can live for up to 13 years. Then the chimney should be capped or the hole in the attic fixed, but only after it is certain that the raccoons have moved on. Even after baby raccoons have grown large enough to run, climb, and forage for food on their own, they stay with their … Raccoons tend to prey on rabbits that are easily within their reach. Rustling. Occasionally, the youngsters disperse during the fall or early in the winter of their first year, but it is more usual for the babies to overwinter in a den with their mother until the following spring. In late fall and early winter, their fur will thicken into a heavy winter coat and they will eat as much as they can find as during harsh weather. As much as I would like to deny this, it is the sad reality. As mating ends, a female raccoon gets pregnant for about two months. Contrary to belief, raccoons do … What does this mean for homeowners? Additionally, mama raccoons might go into an attic or another den if they’re pregnant or trying to protect their litter of newborn babies. Raccoon babies often appear to be orphaned when in fact they are not. This period is the only time they pair up. Do Raccoons Really Eat Rabbits? Many species of mammals including raccoons will leave their babies safely hidden while they are out searching for food. Raccoons will climb and swim in streams while searching for food, but these skills also come in handy when they’re trying to evade danger. What Should I Do If I Find Adult Raccoons And/Or Babies in My Attic? Raccoons also regularly use holes in trees or any other kind of natural cave to bed down in. Now let's discover more in when do raccoons have babies What to do if a raccoon is living in the attic Be patient with a mother raccoon in the attic. Raccoon fact: When in distress, baby raccoons can sounds like human babies. Think Raccoons Are In Your Attic? At birth, they are blind and deaf. Baby raccoons are weaned off their mother’s milk when they are about 12 weeks old. In the wild, raccoons are found across most of North America. Within another twelve to thirteen weeks these kits are ready for life on their own. Raccoon fact: Raccoons prefer to wash their food before eating it. Females seek out enclosed areas to raise their babies. These bandit-masked animals are known for their dexterous front paws, bushy ringed tail and of course, their mischievous-looking face. While raccoons are considered as usually solitary, a female raccoon will den with her kits until they’re ready to be on their own in the fall (maybe longer). Attics are also often close to food sources, such as trash cans and pet food. Raccoons may have several different den sites and may share one or all of them with other raccoons. “They are only average in their [swimming] ability,” said Erler. Perfectly adapting to our modern structures, raccoons started emulating their natural conditions by nursing and raising their litter up in chimneys and attics. So if at all possible, ... Mama raccoon might not move her babies if … In winter, raccoons will spend weeks in their dens without eating. Unlike wild raccoons, urban raccoons do not have to do too much to get their food. If you trap Mom and release her within a mile or so from the den site, she will return as this is within her territory anyway. Like all babies, baby raccoons require special care due to his or her inability to care for themselves as a young animal. Female raccoons typically have one litter a year but can have a second if the first ones die. In urban areas, raccoons tend to stay closer to their dens with a range of only about 1 mile, depending on their age and sex. Call Today: 203-758-0555 . Baby raccoons look very similar to adults, the only difference being their size. Baby raccoons are born without the ability to see and fully depending on its mother for food, shelter and protection. Don’t forget to remove the sprayed newspaper after about two or three weeks. Raccoons like dark and quiet, and any human interference will cause her to move her babies. What do Raccoons Sound like when they Move? Newborns do not open their eyes until their third week of life, so they are dependent on their mothers. Raccoons use trails made by other wildlife or humans next to creeks, ravines, ponds, and other water sources. Breeding season occurs during this same time. Raccoons are excellent mothers and take good care of their young.