/images/transform/v1/crop/frm/3AijacentBN9GedHCvcASxG/519de480-05e8-400f-8c02-fadb831da0a6.jpg/r194_235_1646_1055_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg, How you can find our news during Facebook's ban, New Knights recruit calm before Storm test, Man to be sentenced over almost half a kilo of MDMA, How Diesel, the Jack Russell puppy, survived a car ride stuck inside the engine, A 'tidal wave' of solar and wind power to force out coal-fired power stations, Guilty plea over indecent assault of girl, aged 9, Meet the Hunter's first healthcare worker vaccinated against COVID-19. Copyright © U-Beaut Enterprises 1999 - 2016. Found almost throughout North America and much of South America is this big owl. Libby, who lives in a high-rise apartment, had never noticed cockatoos in town before. A possum will rarely attack and kill a rabbit, despite having sharp teeth. “It was the cleanest kill I’d ever seen,” Janet said. Preyed On: Powerful owls are known to eat possum heads. He didn’t win the award, but hung around after the ceremony “conversing jovially with other audience members over drinks”. Owls hunt and eat their usual prey at night. They hunt largely unseen and unheard and typically swoop onto a possum, grasp it with its claws and break its neck. “They swoop silently on the unsuspecting marsupial, break its neck with their hand-sized talons, eat its head, then finish the rest off later. “Someone suggested I should ring the police, but I thought it had to be an animal,” she said. In one great bite the Powerful Owl can eat a possum's head. Topics has long fancied ourselves as a bit of a Sherlock Holmes-type character. “I know enough about animals to know someone hadn’t taken to it with a knife.” Topics was contemplating this headless animal mystery when we had a lightbulb moment.  We recalled seeing a picture a few years ago of a powerful owl with a dead possum in its talons. Depending on where you live, you would be able to find a possum quite easily. “Powerful owls are devastating possum killers,” the story said. “They eat up to 300 possums a year each.”. But those who found the animals thought otherwise. We reported recently that a Merewether reader sent us a picture of a headless animal in her backyard. Some reckoned it was a cat, others suggested a possum. “Who needs the police when you’ve got the Herald,” Janet said. The great horned owls diet is probably as diverse as its habitat. Possums are essentially herbivorous and insectivorous, meaning they will eat a variety of foods. It was indeed possible an owl could have flown under the verandah, hit the glass door and left the possum’s body behind. Yes, a few. Ken chatted to Bob on the first day of rehearsals in Newcastle, noting he was “nervous about being on stage”. A larger owl, powerful owl or barn owl etc, could well take a possum, but I doubt that it would leave it behind. Topics phoned Janet to discuss the matter. Topics phoned Janet to discuss the matter. “What sort of animal is capable of this destruction?” she pondered in an email. What possums do When they are confronted with something new, possums often will just sit and watch. Powerful owls are capable hunters and include sugar gliders, greater gliders, ringtail possums and brushtail possums in their diet. This surely meant we could rule out the prospect of a four-legged animal having dragged the possum to its resting spot.  However, a smear of blood was found on a glass sliding door. Owl eating my chicken OWL EATS MY CHICKEN! He was nominated for a City of Newcastle Drama Award [CONDA] for best professional actor. The passing of author and playwright Bob Ellis at age 73 sparked a memory for Herald theatre writer Ken Longworth. This surely meant we could rule out the prospect of a four-legged animal having dragged the possum to its resting spot. According to Dr Raylene Cooke from Deakin University, Powerful Owls eat an astounding 250 to 350 possums a year. “Who needs the police when you’ve got the Herald,” Janet said. Dr Cooke analysed 2500 owl pellets to determine this fact. Over time the owl has evolved to occupy its ecological niche by expanding the food base. Yes, you can, of course, eat a possum, provided you have the right means to cook it. Bare … “There’s hundreds of them. Libby, who lives in a high-rise apartment, had never noticed cockatoos in town before.