If you feel off that day, you don’t have to push it. CrossFitters are already performing a high amount of work, so we don’t want to add much more onto their plates. I do not know if you pinged the answer to my question that fast but if you did thank you very much! Ive been following your tips for quite sometime and have altered my workouts big time- and my gluten size. We developed these as we learned to lift our head in the crib, situp, crawl, stand and eventually walk. I did Insanity for 2 months and it improved. I know this blog post is all about the lower body, but everybody who is looking for bodyweight exercise motivation should watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x743RLRoG5Y. Thanks so much for all the time you put into this blog, it’s really inspiring. I do not want to increase the size of my Glutes, I just want them firmer, or “higher and tighter” as I tell my trainer. I will incorporate it before sleep. But how long can I do this. Pallof press 2 x 10 They can begin with plenty of low load glute activation work (see HERE), and they should master the box squat, hip hinge, and glute bridge (see HERE). Nice thighs happen quicker though, and each month you’ll look a little bit better than the month before. Eat less than what you burn, while eating enough proteins for your body weight. Great article Bret! I know of others who don’t push themselves as hard that can train very frequently (and because of their lower effort, they benefit from the greater frequency). In contrast to some of your previous commenters, I have no concerns about working glutes every day. I’m so glad to see that you made this ; somehow, I knew you would. I also introduced single leg exercises into the mix, to be done once or twice per week. Bret Contreras is considered by many to be the world’s foremost expert on glute training. chest supported row 3 x 8 i agree with jenna. For the past 4 moths i ´ve been sticking to the kind of mixed bodybuilders-powerlifter splits body part routine you describe ( i have adapted it from several of your posts actually and strong curves ebook :)) ). And you plan the week trying to maximize frequency/volume while still being able to recover (which is dependent on the lifter). Do not overdo it as you don't want to fatigue your muscles before the main workout. I am also very curious about your 2×4 method, but could not find any resume or short description of what it is about on the site. Sorry, im relatively new at this and just want to be sure im doing this right. crunch 2 x 20 I have a bikini competition coming in 5 weeks. By Bret Contreras June 1, 2013 30-Day Glute Challenges, Glute Training, Glutes. Happy gluting! stability ball or Valslide leg curl: 3 x 8-12 I don’t think we’ve gotten “soft,” I think the ideal routine depends on the individual in question (their unique anthropometry, soft-tissue strength, and recovery abilities). I want to do the challenge at home some days but don’t really have anything like a bench I can use :-S, don’t got a bench either…i use the couch or the bed…hope that’s not terrible or anything…. The harmonious interplay between opposing muscle groups is a skill that can be trained and heightened. I have no acces to weights for the next 2 years ( then I will have the money to go the gym or buy my own weights). You could still add padding on top if needed. I am in PT for a grade 2 glute med tear and looking to get back into lifting. (The following is meant for athletes and those who desire real world functionality). It was 4 different types of workouts, any idea where I could find them?! Basically, you want to get strong while feeling your glutes doing work.Building great glutes requires two paths: the progressive overload path and the mind-muscle connection path. ), but it’s refreshing to see a well-developed male one. They can initially use furniture to perform various glute exercises (for some ideas, see HERE and HERE), then eventually graduate to a commercial gym or purchase equipment for their home. How do I get good results as I want to shred body fat but build muscle without losing my bum from the high intensity workouts. I have been following Bret for a few months now. What would you rather recommend, the glutes only program from Strong Curves or the above example for body part splits? Bret Contreras, PhD, CSCS,*D is a teacher, innovator, personal trainer, bestselling author, lifter, and researcher. ab wheel rollout 2 x 10 I suppose we could tell them that they’re performing “general athletic training for functional performance,” but still you have to tailor the training to their unique goals/sport/position. Try and stop me , Haha! Could you let me know what specific exercises I should stop doing and what exercises I can continue? I’m only on day 5 and so far it’s been pretty easy but I know it will get harder. Best wishes! “Toning” your body aka body recomposition needs two related strategies: 1. Should we supper set the two or just do all of one then all of the other? 2 sets for 4 reps? Stick with Strong Curves, these light days just don’t cut it for you , Thanks so much for this Bret! Hey Bret, Im 17yr old and can boys do this as well to build muscle? And amazing post. In fact, my concern is at the opposite extreme. This is neurological training and it is sorely lacking in the athletic world and the human world at large. Thanks for the tip! In this case, would you recommend the: glutes only, mix up the upper body for bis, shoulders and triceps, and finally glutes and quads mix? I am using a personal yoga mat i wrap on the bar. Standing Glute Squeeze. skinny or a little overweight i have always a “big butt” but it is fat. And if so xhange the number of reps or just add enough weight where I could still complete the number of reps with good form? or is it better to lose pounds first then do it? Thanks for the recommendations! hanging leg raise 2 x 10, weighted or band assisted chin up or lat pulldown: 3 x 6-8 Or is it used to promote growth? cable hip flexion 2 x 10 However, someone doing a ton of volume with many of the sets to failure on daily squats, deadlifts, lunges, and hip thrusts would fizzle out very quickly and spin their wheels…or worse, go backwards. Should i train through on a daily basis or will this inhibit my progress. Do u have any advice for me? 20 pounds held far away from your body – way higher torque/spinal loading. is it okay for me to train legs and glutes on one day? This is the best article EVER written about glute building, period! thanks for your post .. Hey, those glute exercises seem very effective when done within a period of 30 days. Please shed some lights beforei can buy the book :))) Appreciate. Hiii! BRET CONTRERAS, PhD, CSCS, *D, is a teacher, innovator, personal trainer, bestselling author, researcher, international lecturer, and lifter. And to help us out with choosing what an appropriate exercise would be for each of these categories, we’ll rely on the expertise of Bret Contreras, aka the Glute Guy. Bulgarian split squat 2 x 10 In this video, he says people can grow their glutes through the addition of hip thrusts with barbells (1 to 2 times a week) or banded hip thrusts only (7 times a week) to their workouts for example. Sandy, the hip bones and hip flexor musculature protect against this. I work out on a regular basis.. with that being said do you suggest that I add weights to the workouts? I own a copy of Strong Curves. dumbbell walking lunge or smith machine reverse lunge: 3 x 8-12 In your opinion have we gotten a bit “soft” and underestimated the body’s ability to adapt? Is that not true? For the full body routine, how can I incorporate squats to not lose strength? But feel free to use a towel with your clients. What else can I do and how long does it take to get results? back squat 3 x 6 Thanks again! I am just wondering something, you mention a lot of sense in your articles, and I think they have great information, just one thing you rarely talk or I haven’t seen is about nutrition in order to build the glutes. My goal is not to become too muscular and i am almous perfectly happy with my physic just right now which means the goal is near. Hi Anna, this would require it’s own article. If so, where would you put it? There are many factors to be considered here which is why it’s hard to write a simple blogpost like I did. I do: one arm power snatch 3 x 5 But make no mistake about it, my clients also tend to develop great upper body strength and development simply because they’re performing compound pressing and pulling movements four days per week. What are the best exercises to round out the lower booty curve? An excellent recipe for training at home, assuming the individual possessed all the necessary equipment, could involve daily band hip thrusts, goblet squats, kettlebell swings, and lateral band walks. Do we have to use weights or anything for this challenge? I have posted most of the exercises listed below on my Instagram channel at some point in time, and I have many detailed explanations on my YouTube channel too. Love this article! Bret – can you help? I do 121 lbs deadlifts 12 x 4, 137 lbs hip thrusts 12 x 3, 100 lbs front squats 12 x 4, reverse lunges with 44 lbs kettlebells (metric system though! If the athlete prefers Olympic lifts, these can be performed in substitution for the explosive lifts listed above. Thank you for this informative post! This routine has two explosive lifts per day (see HERE for videos of the explosive lifts), along with a knee dominant exercise, a hip dominant exercise, an upper body push, an upper body pull, and some accessories sprinkled in such as multidirectional core stability, hip flexion, and/or eccentric hamstring work. Sure they’re happy to perform squats and deads, but not so much band exercises, single leg exercises, rotary exercise, etc. with specific program but don´t know wich program of yours to follow. Hi Bret – Great material, as always. I want to build glute muscles. I just bought Strong Curves and I can’t wait to get started! From a building stand point, wouldn’t this be considered way more geared towards endurance as opposed to hypertrophy (especially when it’s not just at the end of the workout)? Doing horizontal push AND pull on the same day, and in a 3 day/wk schedule, doing horizontal twice, and vertical once…or do the above workout as is? seated calf raise machine 2 x 20. I use my blue FatGripz on the bar for hip thrusts – no problem for me up to 315 – 360#. Glutes, glutes, and more glutes w/ Bret Contreras “The Glute Guy” — 297. Who doesn’t want a great ass? bretcontreras 2 points 3 points 4 points 4 years ago . This is a 7 exercise mini-band glute circuit that you can do before a workout for glute activation or after a workout as a burnout. This free giveaway PDF will give you a sneak peek at the program. Looking forward to your comment. By Jerry Kindela, MA, DHS as co-founder of Strength & Conditioning Review and owner of a private facility called The Glute Lab, Bret Contreras, Ph.D., CSCS, is world famous for his butt-building know-how. An executive that I admire once said ‘success is achieved by sharing information, not hoarding it’ – an you, sir, are generous in that regard. Thanks! The slower we move the more compensations we produce. AMA! I’ve been following your suggested accessory work pattern and doing activation drills as part of my warmup, but is there room for extra glute training? I actually copied this into my notebook, so I could start doing these workouts at our gym. Im confused. I was wondering if you can incorporate weights with the 30 day challenge. So feel free to add in slightly more suggested volume for the glutes if you feel like what I already have in there is suboptimal. These compensations cause muscles to shorten, generate inflammation and hamper organ function. Thank you. With men, you often have to trick them into doing special glute exercises. Hi Bret! I am 29, 5’10, and currently 250 lbs. Once every two weeks or so, I’ll throw in a rest day. weighted chin up 3 x 3 Do you have any suggestions aside from buying a new sponge? close grip bench press 3 x 6 Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 12-week glutes-only training program divided into three 4-week cycles with three training sessions per week. I was just wondering about a small discrepancy in the above program vs what you outline in your Strong Curves Book. I’m just obssesed with glute thing when I had discovered this page many months ago. 1m Followers, 206 Following, 3,059 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Bret "Glute Guy" Contreras PhD (@bretcontreras1) I do upper body 3 days a week and currently 1 leg day. My favorite are Bulgarian split squats, hip thrusts, bridges, goblet squats and donkey kicks, are these all still okay to do? It focuses on the booty, but you’ll still workout the entire body. (285 for 6 reps :D) . walking lunge 2 x 50 (total steps, so 25 per leg) Thanks. The bar can’t squash down further than the hip bones jut out, so I don’t think you can inflict too much damage. Bret, I also thought about adding this to my weight training routine…My question is: Do those super high rep/super low weight workouts have the potential to build muscle? This kind of plan was just what I was looking for. It’s your body, so you can probably judge better than anyone else. Click HERE to read why. In this book, you will learn: - The fundamentals of optimal glute training - How to perform the most effective glute-building exercises - How to select exercises based on your goals and body type - Variations for the hip thrust, deadlift, and squat exercises - The science behind how muscle develops and grows - The anatomy and function of the glutes - How to design a customized glute … I have always done both, with conventional on back day and RDL’s on leg day. I’ve been doing exercises at home and I would love to start doing the 4 days program at the gym for building my glutes while doing some yoga and cardio hiit at home. I plan on buying your book after I complete this 30 day challenge. Or will the total work load kill me (or worse yet – my ass)? She’s deadlifting 90lbs, sometimes doing prowler pushes, and other exercises that she feels comfortable with. I have been following you for a while and actually you featured my before and after in one of your articles before. And thanks for all you do and give Bret, top-notch! They are very consistent across the human population because we all had to and have to deal with the same force of gravity. Will this help me build a bigger butt and give me curves? I want to train my glutes harder ( just to see if they can grow even more!) Ive noticed that when I hit 110 reps my back was pretty sore, and by 130 I knew I couldn’t go higher, so instead, im working my way back down, extending it into a more 35-day program . Do u think i could add some extra hip thrust somewhere in the week? What can I use at home to keep getting results? Anecdotally, my wife is currently 5 months pregnant, runs 3 miles twice a week, and has 2-3 training sessions a week. Should we still include Leg day, or just skip it? I am trying to build my self back up from a serious illness and have started walking, gentle floor exercises but am ready to move onto something that will help with my weak core muscles. I have no fat on my arms or legs. See more ideas about bret contreras, glutes, glutes workout. Lol is there a reason they are not included? and diabetic. I’m always sweating, heart rate up… I take minimal breaks. If however we train these reflex arcs our body will be in the right position use the right muscles and perform at a high level that is replicable and can be duplicated again and again without degradation of performance. AMA! Hello bret..i wanna start this challenge but i heared before that we cant train the same muscle every day we should at least take a rest 24 hourse .. ? Some of my readers inevitably adhere to bodypart split routines, while others stick to lower/upper splits, push-pull splits, or total body training protocols. reverse hyper 3 x 10 I can feel it the most when doing the clam. I find my upper body is responding very well, to the point that i might to tone it down a bit… But my glutes are not doing great. Some people would rightfully point out that this is a lot of volume for the glutes, but trust me, they can handle it. I want it to grow out cuz it’s fat.. Should I train glutes even though I still feel sore from my previous session, or should I give them one extra day off to recover? In the first split I don”t understand….Monday and Tusday same muscle group no recovery rest? In general, your deload weeks will be around 50-60% as hard as the last week in the program. Bret, I know you’re an advocate for high volume/frequency for the glutes, but how much would you say is TOO mUchiha volume per week for the glutes? In reference to the bodybuilder spilt, why only 1 hip thrust variation for the week and why no band work on the Wednesday and Friday? Hi.